Chapter 2

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How you feeling? Fine I said looking out the window of the hospital room. Tionne what happened? Nothing mama it was nothing I just got into a fight that's all. Some fight she mumbled to herself. I kept thinking to myself why the hell did she show up? Of all times for her to show up she shows up right when they are jumping me into the 88's. I hadn't even seen her since the night of the party when I dropped her off. I finally got my opportunity and she interrupted it. I swear when I get better I am a beat her ass for interrupting that shit.

"How are you Ms. Watkins the doctor said coming into the room? I am ready go home! Well let's check these ribs and see if you can?"

After she kicked me out of her house I barely made it down the street to my house before I passed out in Mrs. Johnsons yard and she called the ambulance. I just remember some white guy asking me my name and then I woke up in the hospital. Everyone has asked me what happened and why it happened. But I knew better than to say what really happened, so I just said I got into a fight.

"Does this hurt? Oh, shit yeah that hurts! Tionne! Mama it hurts! You suffered some hairline factures in 2 of your ribs but other than you are okay. Luckily. Luckily! Yes Luckily Ms. Watkins that attach could have killed you, one wrong kick and your mom would be identifying you in the morgue. Excuse me doctor you don't have to speak to her that way. She's well aware that she could have been fatally injured. I am sorry please forgive me. I can go home? Yeah but you're on bed rest for the rest of the week no movement and I going to write you a prescription for some pain killers to help with the pain. Thanks! Please...please refrain from doing anything that involves a lot of movement. She will, my mom said looking at me"

Within the hour I was home and mama had basically talked to me to the whole time. And another thing Tionne you need to grow up and realize that you can't fight your way through life. Ma ... don't Ma me I am serious. You stay fighting for what? Why she said looking at me as we pulled into the drive way. I don't know! Of course, you never know, its always someone else's fault and never yours. I don't know what's up with you Tionne but it needs to cease now cause I'll be damned if I have to buy a casket for you, because you met your match and they took you out of this world before it was your time. Do you understand? Yes ma'am I said as she turned off the car.

She helped me into the house, You wanna go to your room or stay in the living room? The living room is fine I said making my way to the couch. Okay I gotta run an errand and then get your brother so here is the phone and some water she said sitting the stuff on the table. Thanks, I am just gonna go to sleep. I'll stop by and get your medication. Okay thanks. Tionne...never mind she said going out the door, I'll be back.

Finally, I can rest now without someone bothering me. I'd just fallen asleep when there was a knock at the door. Damn! I wasn't trying to get up, so I just ignored them knocking and looked out the window. It was her! She knocked again. Hold on a minute I said trying to get myself up the best I could. Ouch fuck I said feeling the ache in my side as I limped to the door. I opened the door and she looked at me. What you want? I heard you were back home. As you can obviously see! Bye I said trying to close the door in her face. Really, I save your ass, and this is how you do me? No one asked you to do that shit, you butted in where you weren't needed. So like I said why are you here I said through my teeth? She sniffed a little like she was blinking back tears. Never mind she said turning and walking off. Bitch I said shutting the door. I went back to lay on the couch the and continue my nap. 45 minutes later I was still laying there not able to sleep thinking about how I treated her.


~ Justice~

A few days later...

Come on you think you the shit back up all the shit you were saying in class Jenae said pushing me into the locker. I ain't stutter! Oh, this bitch got jokes huh she said laughing to all of her friends. I bet she won't be laughing when I knock her fucking teeth out. You think cause your brother is an 88 you can whatever you want huh? I didn't say anything I just looked at her. Aww the little girl is crying. I am a give her something to cry about she said pulling my hair.

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