Chapter 16

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3 years! 3 fucking years I said throwing her stuff in trash bags. 3 years and she do this shit to me. Justice calm down girl. I could have fucking left Georgia, but no I stayed for her ass. I got a full ride to UCLA, Chante! A full ride you know that! I know girl! It all makes sense now, the late nights, the random trips to New York, the damn hickeys! Ughhhh I said screaming! Girl calm down okay seriously before you hulk out and give yourself a heart attack. Why would she do this to me Chante? I don't know girl maybe it's not what you think. Not what I think she straight up lied to me and then she gon have the nerve to play it off like I am her cousin. I gave her my virginity! My fucking virginity and she gon play me like that. Listen to me okay, Tionne loves you girl you know she does and tonight maybe that was a misunderstanding. Misunderstanding my ass, she's been cheating on me. I was so stupid I said putting my head in my hands. Justice just don't over think this Chante said rubbing my back!

Happy fucking New Year's right! I can't believe I was so stupid.

Hours later the sun was coming up and I was still sitting there staring at her stuff. I completely wrecked my room after Chante left. Even though she was telling me that Tionne loved me I just didn't believe it. If she did how could she do that to me. She embarrassed me and all I could do was sit there and take it in front of all of those people.

Justice! leave me alone Vannah I am really not in the mood right now. Can I come in please I just want to make sure you are okay? I am fine. I know but I want to make sure you are okay. It's unlocked. She slowly opened the door. Juju she said stepping over stuff. I don't want to talk about it. She's been calling nonstop. Forget her I don't need her. Juju you don't mean that. You really taking up for her Vannah! She's cheating on me and you're okay with that. I am not okay with it, Juju trust me I am not, but put yourself in her shoes. She's in the industry and...and what Vannah that gives her the right to treat me like shit. No, it doesn't! But Justice how many female singers do you know in the industry that are gay? Gay! Yes gay! She's not gay. Well what is she then? Bi-sexual. Okay well how many females in the industries are bi-sexual? A lot a whole freaking lot. Yeah but how many of them talk about it openly? How many of them take their significant others out with them places? It's still not right Vannah! I know it isn't Justice, she just got into this industry and maybe just maybe she's trying to protect you.

From what! Backlash! Folks are cruel Justice! You can hide from it she can't. I love you little sister and I never want to see you hurting. She was wrong she should have told you the deal. But at the same time, you don't know the real world, people are sick in the mind. You know there are some men who believe the cure to being a lesbian is to rape them. What I said looking at her. Yeah, they do they think in their sick twisted minds that the only reason you love who you love is because you've never had a good man or good sex. They rape them. Others think its sin so they bash you until you commit suicide or someone murders you. I know you don't want anything like to happen to her right? No, I don't. Cause you love her, I know you do. I nodded as she rubbed my head. It hurts, and I am not saying that you shouldn't be mad. Just really think about it before you end your relationship, she's done so much for you Justice. Yeah, I said sniffing.


I should beat yo ass! But I am not cause you a female Vin said yelling at me! What the fuck did I tell you! I told you! I told you do not hurt her and what did you do? Vin! Shut up I am speaking right now. I raised an eyebrow at him, gang or not he ain't about to talk to me like that. Naw I ain't doing this shit Vincent, I told you I am sorry okay. It wasn't my intention to hurt her, I wasn't expecting her to show up. I thought you loved her. I do love her! So why you fucking around with this nigga then? I can't be with her and be in music. Excuse me! You don't get it, I am in the spot light now! And what does that have to do with her? Everything Vin! I got folks looking at me, watching my every move, hell in some cases following my ass. I don't want to drag her into that lifestyle. I still don't see what the problem is? I can't be with her and be in music, Just like you can't be gay and in the army. So you saying you don't want people to know you like girls. I don't like girls I like her, specifically her! I am not attracted to no one else. You like niggas too! Yes I do. So you Bi that's not a big deal. Yeah it is. Folks already thinking I am a lesbian, I come out with her and they gone go harder on the fact that I am something that I am not. You confusing the hell out of me Tionne he said shaking his head.

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