Chapter 19

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Hey girl! Hey Chante, I said as she walked into my room. How you doing? I am fine, how are you? Good she said making small talk to avoid the obvious which was that Ti and I have been on a hiatus for the last 3 weeks since I got out the hospital. That day at the hospital we both cried together for an hour and then we dried our tears, she kissed me and told me to rest and that she'd be in touch. Her way of letting me know it wasn't over but that she under stood that we required space in order for this to workout. Now don't think cause she ain't all up on me, that she just doesn't care, she does, and she's called and check up on me to make sure that I was good.

Chante, why you being weird? I am not I just... I heard about what happened between you and your girlfriend. I figured, my sisters can never keep their mouths shut about my personal business. Are yall really done? We're on a break. A break! Yeah, a break for my sanity and hers we need this, so I don't do something drastic like hurt myself or her for that matter. Oh well that makes sense. Chante, I know you didn't come over here to talk about my life drama so spill it what's been going on with you? Nothing much, Omar is still an ass hole, mama still on my ass, and professor Hughes has been calling me. Why? Huh! Why is he calling you? I don't know he said something about him not teaching at the school anymore and us being able to see each other. Chante please tell me you ain't fall for that. I've been thinking that I should end it with Omar. For Professor Hughes? No I just been thinking that I need to get myself together you know. I am too old to be playing these games. You okay I said touching her forehead. Really Justice! What I am just not use to hearing you speak so grown up. I am just tired of the childishness Ju and I am tired of the extra kids too. Extra kids! Yeah, he got another baby on the way with some hoe. I am sorry Chante I don't even know what to say. Nothing you can say, you've been telling me since the beginning that he was no good. Yeah but no one deserves to be cheated on trust me I know.

You sure you want to end it with her Ju I mean despite the fact that she's cheating, you can't deny that the girl loves you. I don't deny it, I love her too, but at the same time why should I be a doormat that she can just walk all over whenever she wants. I have feelings and she needs to respect them. Amen! Tionne and I will get it together one day hopefully. Yeah, she said smiling a little. Let's go do something I am tired of being cooped up in this room feeling depressed. What you want to do? I heard they having something on campus you wanna go to it. Oh, you mean the open mic night, I heard that is good they had one a few weeks ago. It sounds dope and lord knows I need a distraction right now. Well change your clothes and we'll go. Alright I said getting up and going to the bathroom.


We're broke! Like completely, there's nothing? Yup we actually owe money! Fuck! Yeah, I say we go and get our damn money. Who we going to get it from? LA! He know where the damn money is Li said pacing the room. I can't do this shit right now I said getting up to leave. Ti! Chill, we all got families and shit how the hell we supposed to survive. I know that but don't come at me like I am the one that caused it. What I said walking towards her. Aye not today Li said stepping between us. You gon hit me Tionne, Chill said from behind her. Move Li! Naw cause if you hit her, we gon have bigger problems. I am not going to hit her I said looking at Li. Chill give us a minute she said pushing me back a little. Yeah cause I know she wasn't about to do shit to me Chill mumbled as she left the room.

I wasn't gon hit her. Yeah right, if I'd moved her face would have been on the ground right now. I am stressed right now Li. What's up I thought you were good. Justice and I are taking a break for a little bit. Whoa yall broke up? No we're on a break, she's very much still my girlfriend. We had a blow up and she told me she needed a break before she ends up doing something she'd regret. Regret, like what? I didn't know if I should share this with Lisa because if it was me I wouldn't Justice sharing information about my mental stability with her friend. But Lisa understands, in fact she's the only one that understands what I am going through with Justice. Ti! Huh! You said she'd regret something. She has an anxiety disorder. When we first started really hanging, I walked in on her about to shoot herself in the head. You kidding me, right? No at the time I ain't know she was dealing with those types of issues, I just thought it was a one-time occurrence. Has she done that since? Try to shoot herself no, but I've noticed some things over the years she cuts herself in places where most wouldn't know, but I do cause I see it all. Damn Ti that's tough. Yeah and then on top of that, Dalvin's been on some shit. I heard about the groupie. Yeah, the one he said that came looking for Devante but it was actually him. You confront him? Hell, yeah I did but he said that he ain't know the girl and then he fed me all this shit about how if I really loved him I'd believe him. Do you believe him? I want to believe him, but I also know that he's a nigga and niggas lie.

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