Chapter 35

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I heard Justice answer the door but she wasn't back yet. I laid there a few seconds before slipping on my shirt and walking towards the door. Justice who is at ...Who do I see? This nigga that I clearly sent away years ago. How the hell did he even know Justice was here? What's this Justice he said looking between me and Justice? Umm...nothing was happening she said looking at him. I raised my eyebrow at her, cause not 5 mins ago, we were about to get down and now nothing is happening. I cleared my throat to get Justice's attention. Tionne you know Marcus. Mhm I do, I am confused as to why he's here though? No, I am confused as to why you are in my fiancée's room, he said looking at me. Fiancée I said looking at Justice. She looked like she wanted to hide in her skin. Is that true you about to marry this nigga I said looking at her? She wouldn't even look me in the eyes and I could see her face turning red. Juju I said going towards her.

Yeah this is my fiancée although I see she ain't wearing her engagement ring he said picking up her left hand. I knew Justice all to well and I knew that she wasn't one for gaudy jewelry so if the ring is anything like what I imagine it to be, she wasn't going to wear it. Um Ti can I just call you tomorrow or something she said finally looking at me. I read her expression before answering her, yeah you know what room I am in, give me a call I said walking past her. Mark nigga I said looking Marcus up and down as I walked passed him. Oh, bet just because I haven't been active in 88's don't mean I don't have my connections. I heard the door shut behind me before I felt her grab my hand. Tionne! Tell me you didn't leave me for him? Really Ti. Justice please I am not in the mood, just tell me that you didn't leave me in mother fucking Vegas to go to Cali with him? No I didn't, I went to Cali to go to school. I had no idea he was there. Should I even believe you right now, especially when not 5 minutes ago we were about to have sex and now you engaged with a nigga that I clearly told to leave you alone. See this right here is why...why what I said looking at her. You know what Tionne I am not going to argue with you okay. I just came to tell you that it ain't what it seems. What is it then? I can't explain it right now; it just isn't what it seems. Look if we don't reconnect this trip get my number from Lisa. Lisa, I said! Yeah, she has my cell number. She looked at me for moment before leaning into me in for a kiss I backed up a little bit, that's foul Justice. She nodded before letting go of my hand going back into her room.

I stood there for a moment thinking to myself am I really about to go back down this road with Justice? Would this time be any different than before? Us fighting and then doing something that we know we'd regret in the long run. I looked at her door one last time before going to Lisa's room, I wanted to know why the hell she had Justice's number in the first place. I knocked a few times but she didn't answer so I went to my room oh but bests believe her and I will address this.

The next day...

When I woke up JP still wasn't back yet, let me call his ass and see where's he's at. Yo! Babe where you at? I am at the hotel. The hotel, our hotel? Yeah, he said in a straight voice. Why didn't you come to the room? I figured you had your bitch in there and I didn't want to interrupt. My what! The female you were talking to and kissing up on yesterday. JP don't do this shit, I told you it wasn't what you thought and she wasn't up in our room either. Yeah right! I don't need your attitude right now I got a show tonight so either come back to the room or not I don't give a shit. Yeah alright he said hanging up in my face. This nigga I said hanging up the phone. I went and got ready before heading to the sound check.

What up Ti, Chill said as I walked in. Nothing is Lisa here yet? Not yet she running late but that ain't nothing new. Hmph I said, I wasn't sure how I was going to confront her, but I did know I was going to have words with her. 15 mins later she finally arrived. Hey yall! She said all chipper and shit. I rolled my eyes going over and grabbing my mic. We ran through the set 2 times together before we did our individual run throughs to make sure everything was good. We'd sat down to watch Chill do her run through and of course Li comes over to me like ain't shit happened. Ti what's up you being moody and shit. Lisa we're gonna talk we just aren't going to do it right now before this show. Ti! No not now because I don't wanna mess up our energy before this show I said walking off from her. She knows when I am at that level don't even bother talking to me because it won't do any good. We each did our own separate run throughs before going our separate ways. I went to my dressing room to try and decompress because the last thing I needed was to get sick before this show.

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