Chapter 48

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Titi! Titi! Yes, boy why you yelling in my house I said to Ryder as he came into the living room. Titi I missed you! I just saw you the other night. I know but I missed you. Where is your mama? I am here she said clicking her heels into the living room. And where are you going dressed like a desperate housewife. Haha very funny I have meeting actually to get my own nail polish line. Really! Yes, and I need a huge favor from you? Let me guess you want me to watch Ry Ry? Please it shouldn't be too long and then I'll come back and get him. It's cool I am free today anyway. Where is my sister? Our moms kidnapped her this morning something about baby shopping and closure. Closure from what? The father situation, she's not fully over it. Yeah, we could all sense that but she can't let that hold her back. I try hard to keep her mind off of it and focused on the future. That's a good thing because what our father was into wasn't anything that she shouldn't be worried about. I know he had the gang. The gang was the tip of the ice berg Tionne, he was into drugs and everything but check this out I gotta run. We'll talk later, all of us. Okay I said seeing her out the house before turning around to see Ryder smiling at me. You want a snack, don't you? Please! Alright but just one I don't' want your mama getting on me for giving you to much sugar. Thank you Titi!

Ryder and I settled in to watch a movie when my phone started ringing off the hook. Damn! Hello! Ti have you seen the Source magazine yet. Uh no why? That nigga did an interview on you. What, nigga? JP! His ass was telling all your business. Naw he ain't that fucking stupid Lisa. I am on the way you gotta see it for yourself. Alright I am here with Ryder. Where's the rest of the gang? Justice is with our moms, Camille and Andrew are looking for houses before they go back to Cali. He's taking her back with him? That's his child Li why wouldn't he. No reason I just thought he'd leave her with Justice while he packed up the house. Naw Juju is too pregnant right now to be watching kids. When yall gonna do the baby shower I mean she's due in what like a month and a half. 2 months and we're working on it. Okay well do it before she has him. Li was literally the only other person besides us and the doctors that knew we were having a boy, because she's the self-proclaimed god mother. We will get it together you and Chill just need to finish her room; I can't keep her from it for too much longer. We're almost done we just need to get one last thing from Vin and then it'll be done. Alright I'll see you when you get here. Alright I'll be there in 20 minutes. Cool see you when you get here, I said before hanging up.

Ti Ti you come watch the movie. Yeah, I am coming bud I said going back over to where we were watching the movie. Sure enough 20 mins later I hear Lisa's mouth coming into my house.

"This motherfucker got some God Da.... "

Aye Aye I said stopping her before she said any other cuss word. What! Hi Lili Ryder said popping his head up over the couch. You ain't tell me you were baby siting. I didn't think you were going to come in here on some Samuel L Jackson shit either. Sam is that nigga you know that. Lisa! I am sorry what's up little buddy she said going over to Ryder. Nothing me and Titi watching a movie. What yall watching? Shrek! Ooo you watching Shrek who is your favorite character? Donkey he said in the Shrek accent. Cool little man, me and your Titi are gonna be over here talking okay. Okay he said turning back around to watch the movie. You brought the magazine. Sure, the hell did she said whispering to me as we went into the dining room. What this motherfucker say, about me I said taking the magazine. Whoa look who's Sam now. Lisa, I said rolling my eyes at her as I flipped through the magazine before landing on his little funky have a page spread. He thinks he doing shit cause he got in the source. The shit wasn't even in the center it was at the back before the African Incents and fake booty pad Advertisements.

I skimmed the interview before landing on the information I needed.

Interviewer: You've been linked to the beautiful songstress Tboz from TLC. How's that going for you?

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