Chapter 9

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Ever since I told Marcus we couldn't be cool like that he's been ghosting me for real. The other day I saw him in the quad and he straight up looked past me as if I wasn't even there. I mean shouldn't be worried about him ignoring me I am in a relationship after all. But damn part of me still cares I thought we were building a good friendship, but I guess not.

Hey Girl! Hey Naomi. Why you looking all sad and gloomy? I am not I am just a little stressed about my exams. Really you always make A's. Yeah well, I am not as prepared for this exam as I thought I was. Oh, I thought it was because Marcus broke up with you. Huh! He broke up with you. Excuse me, we weren't even together like that. That's what he's telling everyone that yall broke up cause you had some gangsta nigga on the side beating yo ass. What the fuck did you just say? Hey, I am just telling you what everyone is saying. I looked at her and then spotted Marcus walking into the Quad area with his homeboys. Excuse me for one damn minute I said walking towards him.

Marcus! He rolled his eyes and sighed. What! What! Nigga you telling people I am getting my ass beat! Ooo all his all his homeboys said. His friends well lets just say that they aren't my favorite people. They walk around campus acting all hard and shit. Truth be told a couple of them had hit on me too. My favorite line was Marcus a little soft boy he can't handle you. If they only knew it ain't a man on this campus that could me.

I ain't said shit like that. Oh, really cause Naomi just told me that you telling everyone in school my nigga is beating my ass that's why you broke up with me. When have you ever seen me show up with bruises and shit on me? I ain't say that I said that we stopped kicking it cause I ain't want to get my ass beat. Your little friend told me to cool it on you and I am giving you your space. Little friend what are you talking about? Tionne she said if I keep fooling with you, I'd pay the price. Tionne I said shaking my head. Yeah two week ago at the Waffle house. You were at the waffle house that day? Yeah, I was he said looking me up and down. You saw? What you think?

Come here I said pulling him away from the rest of his friends. Marcus don't have a nigga, do you? No, I don't I said not making eye contact with him. Why did you lie? Because I like you, but I am in a situation and its one that I am not willing to give up. She your girlfriend? I looked him the eyes not knowing whether I could trust that he wouldn't go spread it around the school. She is. How long? A year! So, you like girls? No, I don't like girls I like her and please do not repeat that. You didn't have to lie to me you could have just told me. No I couldn't, especially when you kept coming on to me after I told you I was in a situation. I am sorry for that. It's whatever just fix this damn rumor before she hears about it. I'll take care of it he said walking off. I turned around and looked at everyone staring at me. What! Damn can't two people talk.

Oh my god Chante said grabbing me as I made it back to the table. What! Did Tionne hit you! What the hell naw she ain't hit me. Girl its going around school that she beating you. They are saying she's beating me? Well not specifically her, but they saying your boyfriend. I need to go home I can't stay here with this going on. Can you take me she dropped me off this morning, so I don't have the car? Yeah come on she said guiding me out of the quad. Girl when I heard that I almost lost it she said as we drove to my house. I am about to lose it if that gets around and further if get back to her. Tell me about it. Why would Marcus do that I mean spreading rumors like that is a bitch move she said going on and on about how Marcus was a punk bitch for spreading rumors. Can we just leave it alone right now I am not really feeling to well? Alright! The rest of the ride home was quiet I wasn't feeling well, and this made things even worse. Call me later girl! I will I said getting out the car. I went in the house threw my stuff on the loveseat and laid down. How did everything go from being okay to it being spread around campus that I am getting beat?

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