Chapter 36

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After Juju left the party, JP tried to show his ass, but I quickly put him in his place because he wasn't about to do is disrespect Justice in any way, shape, or form. I'd been there and done that with Dalvin and it wasn't about to happen again. On our way back to the room who did we run into of all people but Marcus. He mean mugged me and of course JP took offense to it because I acted like I didn't know him. I wondered if Justice was okay if he had a temper like that, I am gonna be worried about her well being around him.

JP decided to say in the room but sleep on the couch. Which was fine with me because I enjoy him not hogging the bed and snoring. Oh my god this nigga snore. You going to the next stop with us? Is she going to be at the next stop? JP, I said shaking my head, No she's not okay, stop being jealous. I ain't jealous but I ain't stupid either, she wants you. She doesn't want me; she's engaged I said looking at him. Saying those words literally made me want to throw up.

Oh, for real so why her nigga ain't roll out with her to the show last night? JP you coming to the next stop or not I don't have time for this either you going or not. Oh yeah, I am going you can bet that he said getting his stuff ready. It was our last day and I wasn't looking forward to it, yet again I was leaving Vegas with out my girl and I didn't like it in fact I needed to see her before we left. Once he disappeared into the bathroom and started the shower, I grabbed the hotel phone and called her room praying that nigga wouldn't answer.

Hello! Juju! Hey Titi! You don't even know how good it is to hear you say my name like that. 5 years too long huh! Yeah way too long. When you leaving? In about an hour gotta get back to work. We leave in a little bit too, but I wanna see you before we go. You free in like 15 mins? I am free now for you. Meet me at the pool. Which one? The roof top one. Okay I'll leave now she said before hanging up. I hung up the phone and grabbed the room key. JP I gotta run and talk to Tommy real quick. Ain't we about to see him on the bus? No, he's on the other bus leaving our before ours. Alright you need me to go with you? Nope I got it I said almost running out the door. I pushed the button to the top floor before watching the doors open and going in. I was too eager to get to her, that I damn near jumped through the door when it opened. She was sitting at a table by the end of the pool.

Hey beautiful I said greeting her. Hey she said smiling as she stood to greet me. You good? I am surviving. Where's your significant other? He left last night. Really! We had a little tiff and when I came out the shower his stuff was gone. Oh I said looking her up and down to see if there were any visible marks on her. You don't have to check me out he didn't hit me or anything. I am just checking you know I still got my connections. Good old 88's huh! You know it, till the day I die. Would you ever let me join? Huh! Would you ever let me join the 88's she said looking at me? Why would you want to do that? I don't know I mean it's my family, you'd think I'd be involved in it. Naw I wouldn't that's not something you should be in, ever. Funny my brother said the same thing. Your father would turn over in his grave, god rest his soul, if he knew you of all people were in it. I know he would she said nodding.

The time apart definitely hurt, but seeing her now made it all worthwhile and maybe it was worth it. Where yall heading to next? We got some a show in Phoenix, then San Diego, before we hit LA. LA huh! Yeah LA for sure before we go to Sacramento and then on to Canada. That the last leg of the tour or yall have more? I think we have a few more dates before we do the European leg of it. It's beautiful there especially in Italy she said smiling. You've gone before. Yeah, He took me earlier in the year for a graduation gift. Oh I said a little defeated because that's something we always talked about doing together. We didn't go to Paris though. You didn't, Nope I was kind of hoping to go there with you someday she said touching my hand. Maybe one day you'll let me take you. Or I could take you she said smirking at me.

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