Chapter 14

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"Merry Christmas Babe Dalvin said putting the diamond necklace on my neck. Oh my god it's beautiful. You like it? I love it, thank you so much baby I said kissing him. You're welcome anything for my girl."

You heard him right, we've been dating for 3 months now. We got together officially two weeks after that night Justice and I stayed at Li's house. Before you dog me out, you gotta understand my position in this, someone got word or rather pictures of Dalvin and I hanging out, so I had to go with it. Justice flipped like I knew she would, but I had to sell it to her that the record company set it up and that it was just for publicity. How many of yall think she really believed that? We argued and then she left and told me not to call her again. No way was I going to let my girlfriend go so I am covering my ass big time, I flew up to New York to spend a few days with Dalvin for Christmas before going home to spend the actual holiday with my family and Justice. She didn't think twice when I told her I was going to New York cause the group had a legitimate gig up here so there was no need for her to be suspicious of it.

Here you go I said handing him the box. What you get big Daddy! Boy please I already told you about that. I am playing but seriously what did you get me? Open it and see I said smiling at him. Word babe he said looking inside the box. Yeah! This shit is nice thanks baby he said pulling out the Versace shirt and belt. I thought you'd like it. I love it, thank you so much he said pecking my lips. Mmm you're welcome. What time is your event? At 8 I said looking at the clock. I better get going so I can get ready and do a run through with the girls. Man, I don't want you to go. I know but I gotta work I mean that Versace didn't pay for itself. Yeah, I know but its Christmas and I want to spend it with my girl. I know I want to spend it with you as well, but I am heading right back to Atlanta after this. What if I fly down and spend it with you. In Atlanta? Yeah you know I could meet the family. No! Huh! I mean it's not that it's just that we have a lot of family coming from all over and... you aren't ready yet? I just need some more time you know I told you about my ex and I don't want to just jump into it like that. I get it and it's okay, besides my mama would kill me if I ain't come home for Christmas. I know right. It's okay we'll get together for New Year's right. Uhh I kind of made plans. I see. Why don't you come to Atlanta for New Years and we can spend it together? For real, can I bring the guys? Yeah bring the guys we'll do it big in Atlanta for New Year's Eve. Okay he said smiling. You should get going I don't want you to be late. Ooo thanks for reminding me, I'll see you later baby. Yeah for New Year's he said smiling showing me out of his hotel room.

I quickly went to my room to grab a few things before heading down stairs to meet with the girls, so we could head to the venue. Made it just in time Chill said as they got in the limo. I know he had to give me my Christmas gift. What did he get you? This I said showing them necklace. Damn that's nice. I know I said touching it. Li shook her head. She'd warned me about keeping my shit with Dalvin on the DL, so I wouldn't hurt Justice, but seriously it wasn't my fault that Sister 2 Sister got pictures of us or that BET was constantly calling us a couple. It's nice Li said with a straight voice. That's more than nice, I wish Dallas would give me some diamonds. It's ain't all about what they can give you. True but diamonds do make up for it, Chill said chuckling as we rode to the venue.

Li I said catching up to her before she went to her dressing room. Yeah what's up? Why you being this way towards me? You know why you got that girl back in Atlanta thinking yall on the way to the alter while you out here playing with Dalvin. Li I explained to her... wait to the alter, she thinks we're getting married? What do you think Tionne you've been with her for what almost 2 years, you don't think she wants to marry you? Did she say something to you about us getting married? Not in so many words but I could tell how she was feeling by the way she looked at my ring. We aren't ready to do that I said shaking my head. How do you know you aren't you haven't even tried? What is there to try Li it ain't gon work and not because Dalvin either. Why won't it happen then? I want a career and I don't want to have to constantly have to juggle it and her. Then let her go. Huh! Let her go, it's not fair to her to believe the relationship is going somewhere it isn't. No, I am not letting her go, that's crazy I love the...I love her I whispered noticing folks staring at us. Do you really? Yes, I really do I am just not ready to get married and neither is she. You can't have your cake and eat it to Ti, eventually you're going to have to choose. Yeah, I nodded remembering our conversation before I left to come on the trip.

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