Chapter 42

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I woke up it was dark outside. Damn how long have I been asleep I said to myself as I rubbed my eyes looking at the clock. It was a little after 7 and I was starving I hadn't eaten since earlier so I knew it was time to get up. Plus, I could hear people laughing and going on like they were having a party. I sniffed a little before getting up and going to the bathroom to pull myself together before going to join them. I could only spend so much time in this room before I had rejoined real life. Besides after Ti told me that she wanted the baby I had things to do, for one I had to make sure that Marcus would never get access to my baby or even know there was a baby for that matter.

I walked out to see them having a good ass time laughing and cracking up. What's so funny I wanna laugh too. Auntie Camille said coming over to me. Hey Princess. You feeling better? A whole lot better. I prayed for you Auntie. You did I said kissing her cheek. Mhm I did. Thank you, baby, how you feeling your legs good. She nodded and gave me a small smile. Before my incident I was paying close attention to her. I was even going to take her to the doctor's office to make sure she was okay, but as you can see, I didn't get the chance to. They don't hurt all the time Auntie. I know but we still need to get you checked out. Okay she said nodding. Our secret till we find out. She nodded giving me her pinkie, we did our little secret pinkie shake before Ti came over to me.

Baby you okay? Yeah, I am good, I can't stay locked up forever right. No, you can't, and you don't have to tell anyone yet if you don't want too she said putting her forehead to mine. Until I am ready can we not tell anyone. Family! No one, please just till we see the doctor, you know our moms will have the birth planned before we know when the baby is born. Right they would they already planning the wedding. They planning our wedding! Soon as they found out we were back together they started. And when exactly are we getting married? No specific year but the date has been set for September 21st. September 21st I said looking at her. Yeah, I don't know why they said September, but they said there was no argument on it. I know why I said sniffing a little. Really why she said helping me to the couch. Do you remember the 21st night of September? No should I. It's my parents wedding anniversary. Ohhh like Earth, Wind, and Fire! Yeah that was their song and I told my mom one time that if we ever got married, I wanted to get married on September 21st just like she did. Well September 21st it is she said pecking my lips.

You hungry? Of course, I am I said laughing a little. I'll bring you something to eat. Alright what you cook? I didn't cook Lisa did. Say what now! Don't play I can cook Justice Li said from the kitchen. I didn't know you knew how I said looking at Chilli. Just for that see what I send out to you. You will send out food, don't play Lisa Ti said going into the kitchen with her. You okay she said looking at me? I could be better but other than that, I am okay. She nodded looking around. Listen I am sorry for how I reacted to you a few weeks ago, I was just concerned about Tionne and it wasn't right for me to come at you like that. I wasn't trying to come off like I don't care about Tionne because I do and I have for a long time. I just didn't know what to say because sometimes she's gone into the hospital stays one night and be back out the next and on the stage. I've told her so many times that isn't good for her. You and me and both. Here you go, Ti said handing me the plate. Thank you. No problem she said kissing my cheek, before leaving the room again. Yall for real in love, huh! Oh yeah, it's the real thing I said digging into the food.

Damn that food was good as hell I said to Li. Thank you! Where you learn to cook like that? Growing up I had to learn how to cook. Well damn you a good ass cook. Better than me, Ti said raising an eyebrow at me. No baby you the best cook ever I said appeasing her too. Mhm that's what you better say. Li winked at me, cause she knew that food was bomb as hell. I won't lie to her she, neck and neck with Li on this food thing. Where's Andrew? He left a little earlier didn't say where he was going. Hmm okay. Your friends called she wanted to know if you are okay. Which one? Neema and I think the other one was Raquel. Oh, okay umm I'll call them back later, I am not really ready to see anyone yet. Understandable but you can't shut them out forever. I know that I am just not ready to see them yet, they saw me at a bad time and I am not ready to face any questions they may have. I mean who wants to explain how you let a nigga beat yo ass like that. You were defending yourself though. Same thing I let him get to close and he knew my weak spots. I don't trust no nigga that does some dirty shit like busting your ear drum, like for real you know how hard you have to hit someone to do that. Hard as hell I said rubbing my ear a little

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