Chapter 41

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"Baby when you get this call me, I am worried about you. I love you!"

That was the 5th voice mail message that'd I'd left Justice and she still wasn't returning my phone calls. At first it was pissing me off, but now it's making me worried cause she promised that we'd stay in touch and we wouldn't go back down that road again. You good girl Chill said. Yeah, I am fine. You sure you looked worried. Just a little concerned that's all. Where's Li! I am here she said coming into the meeting. You good? She looked at me and then shook her head we'll discuss it later she said sitting down. The whole time she looked disturbed and like something was off with her. All three of were going through it and it was evident because Bill was talking to us and we were literally just looking at him.

Basically, what I am saying is that we have to make up the shows or pay the money back. Bill not right now I am... I know that you are recovering right now, but these shows are big time payers. Sacramento and Canada are big time markets, come on now Bill don't play us, Li said. Sacramento no, but they are proposing some additional shows that could make double what those shows did. Chill looked at me and tilted her head a little bit. Tionne needs to recover fully before we even think about doing anymore shows. And Lisa needs time as well I said looking at Li. How much time we talking? At 2 months maybe 3! 3! Bill Lisa said looking at me. Okay, I'll get with the folks and see if we can make this happen. Before you get with the people what were the other shows that they are adding? Sacramento for sure, 3 dates in Canada before coming back doing 2 shows in New York and closing out in Atlanta. The close out show in Atlanta would be filmed for an HBO special. Hmm Li said looking at me and Chill. Can we have a minute to discuss this. Sure, he standing and leaving the conference room.

An HBO special Chill said. I know that sounds interesting. What you thinking Li? I am thinking it sounds good as hell but we need 3 months. Why 3 months? You gotta heal first and Chill needs to be with her baby for a while. And you I said looking at her? I need a break, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I need some time to revaluate things and make some decisions. I am good with that if you are Chill, I said looking at her. I am good with it. Thank yall Li said putting her head down on the table. Lisa for real what's going on with you. Something happened. What happened? Andre got another woman pregnant and she's due in a couple months. A couple of months! Yeah, he just decided to tell me. Why do I put up with his shit I don't know? I was about to say something to her till my phone started ringing, I was hoping it was Justice cause as I said earlier, I am worried.

I grabbed the phone, Hello! Tionne! yeah this is Tionne who is this I said cautiously. It's Neema, Justice's friend. Is she okay, I've been trying to call her and she won't answer my phone calls? I probably shouldn't be doing this and if she found out she'd probably kill me but I think you need to know. Need to know what? She was assaulted a few weeks ago. She was what I said standing up? I am not sure exactly what happened because I wasn't there but she got into it with Marcus, they had words and he slapped her. She blacked out and they started fighting in the parking lot he...he punched her in the face and then busted her ear drum.

Do me a favor Neema, go make sure she's okay. That's the thing I haven't seen her since she got out of the hospital. We've tried to go and see her. She won't see anyone. She at home? Yeah been there for 2 weeks. I looked at Li and she gave me this look. You talk to her brother? He won't say shit either, he tight lipped about it too. I got it I know who can give me the information thank you for calling me. I am just worried about her. Raquel told me that when they were pulling her away, she just kept yelling "Call Tionne!". You did the right thing calling me Neema I'll handle it. Tionne I think he's been hitting her for a while and she tries to cover it up. Yeah, I got the same feeling too. Don't worry you never called me okay. Yeah, I didn't. Bye! Bye I said before hanging up the phone.

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