Anyway, it was too clouded to see the northern lights. We didn't miss that much and now we have to come back someday, just her and me. I already can't wait.

We're all lounging in a huge circle around the promised campfire. Nova sits between my legs, sipping her hot chocolate milk with her back resting against my chest.

I can't get the sinful thoughts off my mind sitting like this from the night she came back only wearing a blanket. She made love to me under the stars with the soft sound of rolling waves in the background.

She must notice my arousal, pushing her butt against it. "You can't help but be a tease, huh."

"Me?" Looking innocent over her shoulder.

I laugh and see Chriss smile through the flames opposite from us. I mouth thank you to him and he returns it with thumbs up. Liv-Marie sits next to him and I understand why he was shaking his head when she called me Pooh bear in front of him. He must have thought there was something more to it than friendship.

They seem to enjoy each other's presence. To me, he is a great friend. With women, though. He can come across as a nitwit who doesn't think about anything else than his appearance and which girl he is going to bang next. I do hope he isn't thinking about a one-night stand with her. I will have to step in and tell him to get lost if he isn't interested in the long term. That's why you have a big brother, right?

Nova turns on her side, huddles up against my chest, and sighs in contentment. "I can't explain how much I missed this."

"Me neither." I really can't. The times I woke up to find the bed empty longing endlessly for her touch are countless and I don't want to wake up ever again like that. "How long are you planning to stay?"

"I have to be back in three weeks on Wednesday."

"You're staying three and a half weeks?" My voice is high-pitched with surprise.

She gives me an adorable smile. "If that's okay with you, yes."

Is that's okay with me? Bloody hell, yes. "Please, tell me that you're planning on staying at my apartment?"

She squints her eyes at me." No hanky panky, though!" and I burst out laughing. Yeah right. Even in her dreams, I will take her.

"Oh babe, there's is going to be so much hanky panky that you won't be able to come out of bed until I'm back to start all over again."

"Matt, I'm serious." Frowning a deep v. "No sex, until we have talked."

"Sure babe." We will see what happens.


"Chriss wait! I have to get my bag out of your trunk." Nova spurts after him and I hold back Liv-Marie. No way she is going to be his next victim and feel like crap the rest of the time she has to shoot with him.

She smiles and pats my arm. "I know. I'm not stupid."

"I never said you are. Seriously Liv-Marie, be careful with Chriss. He's my best friend but with women, he can be a real dick head. I don't want you to become one of his conquests. You deserve better than that."

"You're too sweet, Pooh Bear. I can handle him. He ain't getting in my pants tonight." she hugs me quickly and leaves with a wink.

I hope she's right about being able to handle him. She would be the first.

Nova comes back with a small backpack. "That's all you got with you for three weeks?" That's what I call lightweight packing.

"No, of course not." looking at me like I lost my mind. "My other suitcases are at my hotel."

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