Briana got out her selfie stick and said " We need to take a picture. "

She connected her phone to the stick, we all stand next to each other, and Britney has Marie on her hip.

" Say winter. " Briana said.

" Winter! " Everyone said and she took a picture of us.

" Great! Now let's go. "

We walked to our vehicles, I unlocked the doors, open the trunk, Grayson, Britney, and I put our suitcases in the trunk.

Grayson closed it, we walked to the doors, " I got it Brit. " I said.

" Thank you." She said.

" You're welcome. "

We stepped in, drove out of the drive through and are on our way to McDonald's.


We are on our way back home, Grayson is feeding me and he refused to eat until I'm done eating mine.

" Your food is going to get cold. " I said.

" I'm fine, babe. Eat. "

I sigh, grab the muffin from him and eat it.

" Jas! "

" Shh, eat your food. " I took a bite out of my muffin.

" I'm not letting you eat and drive. "

" Eat. "

" Jas."

" Eat your food Grayson. "

He sigh and said " Fine. "


We arrived at Britney's house, I parked my Jeep, Britney and Marie stepped out, " Thank you Jas, thank you Grayson for renting the cabin. We had loads of fun. " Britney said.

" You're welcome. " Grayson and I said.

" Thank you. " Marie said with a smile on her face.

" You're welcome Marie. " Grayson and I said.

I opened the trunk, Grayson grabbed Britney and Marie's suitcases, and closed the trunk.

" Thank you Grayson. " Britney said.

Awww what a gentleman.

" You're welcome, have a good day. " Grayson said.

" Thank you, you too. Bye Jas! "

" Bye! " I shouted back.

" Bye Grayson. " Marie gave Grayson a hug.

Grayson hugged her back and said " Bye Marie. "

They separate from the hug, Marie looked at me and she said " Bye Auntie Jassy! "

" Bye Marie. " I shouted back.

Britney and Marie walked inside their house. I looked at Grayson and said " My boyfriend is a gentleman. "

Grayson smiled and said " They are your family, I gotta treat them like they're mine. "


I leaned in, kissed his lips, he kissed me back, we both pulled away from the kiss and I said " I love you. "

He smiled and said " I love you too. "

We stepped in, I drove out and we are on our way to the Dolan household.


We arrived at the Dolan household, I saw Ethan's Jeep parked, I turned off the engine, Grayson looked at me, leaned in, and kissed my lips.

I kissed him back, we both pulled away from the kiss, he kissed my forehead and said " Please drive safely. "

" I will. "

He kissed me again, I kissed back, he pulled away from the kiss, he smiled and said " I love you. "

I smiled back and said " I love you too. "

He stepped out of my Jeep, grabbed his suitcase from the trunk, he walked to the drivers window, I lower it down, and he said " I love you. "

" I love you too. "

" Give me a kiss. "

We both leaned in, kissed each other on the lips, we both separate from the kiss and he walked to the front door. I drove out of the drive through and I am on my way home.

A few minutes later, I am here at home, Brian is talking with Diane, I walked over to my room with my suitcase. Once I am in my room, I played music and begin to unpack.


I am here in the living room with Diane watching a movie, she is rubbing her stomach while eating some ice cream. Robert is rubbing Diane's feet giving her a massage which made Diane let out a low moan and said " That feels so relaxing. "

He smiled and said " Good, I want you to feel relaxed. "

I looked at Diane's stomach, smiled and said " Does the baby loves the ice cream? "

Diane nod her head and said " Yeah, the baby really loves it. "

Once Robert finished with the foot massage, he looked at her and said " You want me to give you a back massage? "

Diane nod her head and said " That would be great but I can't lay on my stomach though. "

" It's okay, I can give you a massage with you just sitting down. "

Diane nod her head again, Robert sat down next to her and begin massaging her back.

They are such a cute couple. 🥺🥺

Words: 1,125

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