(C) Chapter Twenty-Two: Sakura

Começar do início

(Hana is defeated)

Hana: Sakura... I'm sorry...

(Initiating combat against Subaki)

Subaki : I will defend this fort and my lady with my life!

(Corrin initiates combat with Subaki )

Subaki : You must be Lord Corrin.

Corrin: What of it?

Subaki : I cannot allow you to live after all you have done. Your betrayal against Hoshido, and Lady Sakura, for that matter, will not be forgotten.

Corrin: ...I understand.

Subaki : Good. In that case, it is time for me to send you to your grave!

( Subaki is defeated)

Subaki : Was it... Truly not enough...?

(Initiating combat against Sakura)

Sakura: I won't let you pass! For Hoshido!

(Corrin initiates combat with Sakura)

Sakura: Corrin...

Corrin: I'm sorry it had to come to this, Sakura...

Sakura: I must defend my people...

Corrin: Sakura, I...

Sakura: I wish we were fighting side by side instead of against each other... I'm sorry.

( Azura i nitiates combat with Sakura)

Azura: Sakura! What are you doing here?

Sakura: Azura! You've really joined the Nohrians?

Azura: I... I was unable to remain in Hoshido...

Sakura: Ryoma told me...

Azura: You've learned to fight, have you?

Sakura: Yes... I wouldn't be powerless like I was when Mother was attacked. I'll protect my family and friends now.

Azura: I'm truly sorry for this, but...

Sakura: I understand...

Azura: Just know that I'll be proud of you no matter what happens.

Sakura: Azura... I'm proud of you too...

Azura: Come, Sister. Show me how strong you've become.

( Elise initiates combat with Sakura)

Elise: You must be Princess Sakura... Corrin has told me a lot about you.

Sakura: You... You're my age...

Elise: It's awful we were pulled into war so young, isn't it?

Sakura: Y-Yes...

Elise: ...I'm not going to hurt you too badly. After this, maybe we can be friends.

Sakura: ...

Elise: I'm sorry...

(Sakura is defeated)

Sakura: Hoshido... I... I failed...

(Initiating combat with Yukimura)

Yukimura: Let us see which of us comes out on top!

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