(C) Chapter Seventeen: Dissipation of Peace

Start from the beginning

(After the battle, the royals stand together in the main hall of the palace)

Corrin: That's the last of them...

Elise: I feel sick... I didn't think we'd have to fight against our own people...

Leo: It's alright, Elise. Come on. Let's sit down for a moment.

(Elise and Leo leave)

Nyx: What are you going to tell the king? He wants the head of Izumo's ruler. Obviously, you don't have that. We don't even know where he is, for crying out loud.

Corrin: There's nobody left to tell the king about what we've done here today. No Nohrian soldier can turn against us now aside from those in our battalion, and I highly doubt they'd betray us. We saved Izumite lives. Hopefully, that will be enough to gain audience with the ruler of this land.

Azura: I'm going to look around a bit. I'll see if I can find him.

(Azura leaves)

Corrin: It's not like we can really leave him here... The king will be aware if we let him live here in Izumo. Any political action will catch his eye. I refuse to kill him to conquer any other nations. Our main target is King Garon, and he wants Hoshido. I doubt he'll linger here for long.

Camilla: We can't leave him here in case of any action. That would put us at a severe disadvantage...

Corrin: Maybe there is a solution...

Nyx: You can't be serious.

Corrin: Oh, I'm very serious. We're going to hide the archduke of Izumo right under that man's nose. He won't notice one extra soldier coming with us. It's not like he ever makes an effort to talk to us personally.

Xander: It would stop any actions as ruler and keep us from looking suspicious... To him, Izumo will be as good as conquered.

Corrin: We can say he's either a soldier or a captive.

Nyx: This is ridiculous. If he thinks at all about this, then he's going to know what we're doing. Do you want to take that chance?

Corrin: It's a risk we'll have to take.

(Azura reappears with Izana)

Azura: Corrin, I've found him.

Izana: ...

Corrin: Archduke Izana... It's an honor to meet you. My name is--

Izana: Corrin, a noble of Nohr and adopted child of the royal family.

Corrin: You know of me?

Izana: Something you may not know, sheltered royal, is that Izumo is a place of fortune-tellers. I know all about you and your army.

Corrin: I see... Do you... Do you like what you know?

Izana: Oh, I think you're all crazy. What in the world are you thinking?

Corrin: I'm thinking of a world after the war when things can return to peace for all peoples of Pheuyura. I've had enough of this war.

Izana: That's a rather bold statement... How far are you willing to go for this dream of yours?

Corrin: I'm sure you know the details already.

Izana: Oh, yes. You're the rebellious middle child thinking of slaughtering their father for 'the glory of Nohr'... Interesting stuff, let me tell you.

Corrin: What about it?

Izana: It's an admirable wish, and you have drive... I like you, kid.

Corrin: Glad to hear it. Listen, I need to talk to you--

Izana: I overheard enough of your conversation while I was walking here with your friend, Lady Azura. You want me to play dead as one of your soldiers or captives to keep your father from growing suspicious. Is that it?

Corrin: That sums it up, yes.

Izana: ...I believe in you. If you've come this far, you must have something good in that head of yours. Plus, it's pretty gutsy for a teenager to want to save the continent by killing the worst man on it. I like that.

Corrin: So, you'll do it?

Izana: Yes, I will. I don't have much of a choice in the matter, so I'll go along with your little scheme.

Corrin: Thank you, Archduke Izana. I won't let you down.

Izana: Try not to get me killed, will you?

Azura: I find it odd that you're willing to go along so easily...

Izana: It's either this or get my head chopped off by the king's oversized axe. Which would you choose?

Azura: ...Fair point.

Izana: I'll go and grab a few spells for the journey. You probably have a while before the king bursts into the palace in an angry fit. Enjoy yourselves until then.

(Izana leaves)

Camilla: I should go prepare for his joining our army. This is going to take quite a bit of work given how much we have to hide...

Nyx: I'll help too.

Azura: I'll go find Leo and Elise and send them your way.

(Camilla, Nyx, and Azura leave)

Corrin: This... This is going much better than I expected.

Xander: You've grown a lot since we first met, Corrin.

Corrin: I guess I didn't even notice. War does that to you, huh?

Xander: We haven't had much time to talk about it, but... You've grown into a fine person, Corrin. I believe you'll do great things one day.

Corrin: Thank you... That means a lot to me, Xander.

Xander: I have to admit... I don't like the idea of fighting Father.

Corrin: I didn't either at first. He's still the man who technically raised us, even if he was never there for me. It feels wrong to think of murdering someone like that. Even if I know he's awful, it bothers me.

Xander: I... I was holding onto false hope that this was all a mistake for so long. I didn't want to believe our father was capable of doing something so horrible to so many innocent people.

Corrin: But not even you could keep your faith in him up.

Xander: Nestra was the last straw for me as it was for you. I don't know if there's anything left of the old King Garon still in there. I can't say for sure... All I know is I can't make excuses any longer.

Corrin: I can't either... Which is exactly why we've got to do this. It's not going to be easy for any of us, but who else will? I don't want any other lives to be taken by his bloodlust. It'll all be over soon. We'll catch him in a moment of weakness, and from there, he, Hans, Iago, and all of his other henchmen will fall. Nohr will no longer be a land of conquest. Instead, it'll be one of mercy, and not just because we say it is so.

Xander: Our actions don't mean much when compared to his, but this... Everything will change after his death.

Corrin: Even if it's hard, it's what we have to do... You're with me to the end, right?

Xander: Of course I am. I always will be.


Wow Corrin is getting development I'm proud of them


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