(C) Chapter Sixteen: Den of Betrayal

Start from the beginning

Nyx: I knew something was wrong...

Kotaro: ...

Saizo : Even now, he holds a Hoshidan soldier captive as a bargaining chip for surrender. Pathetic.

Kaze : Too afraid of us, it seems...

Corrin: Daimyo, is this true?

Kotaro: ...Hmph. You know, for a child, you're full of yourself.

Corrin: You killed that man and are currently holding a Hoshidan soldier hostage... You...

Kotaro: A true Nohrian royal would praise me for being so cunning. This is war. Lying and using people is par for the course.

Corrin: That is not how Nohr does things.

Kotaro: Tell that to your king! He told me to do anything necessary to win land for your kingdom!

Xander: I see... So, your tactics are a product of my father's influence. Pity. I won't allow this to go any further. I refuse to accept your methods.

Kotaro: He won't stand for this betrayal. He promised land for Mokushu, and none will get in the way of Mokushu's future glory—not even a Nohrian royal!

(Mokushujin soldiers arrive)

Camilla: Enemy soldiers... They were waiting here the whole time.

Elise: You were always planning on hurting us!

Nyx: Dastard...

Kotaro: I've heard how cunning the Nohrian royals are. I couldn't risk anything getting out... I'll just have to tell King Garon his darling children died fighting a Hoshidan ambush. If you had kept your mouths shut, you all could have lived. Such a shame, truly. Instead, you all will be sacrifices on the altar of my grand ambition!

(The battle begins. Saizo and Kaze act as green units and are level one Master Ninjas during this map. Shura appears at the start of the battle as a green unit)

Shura : Daimyo Kotaro... It's about time I found you. It's time to perish.

(Corrin talks to Shura)

Corrin: Who are you? You don't look like a Mokushujin soldier.

Shura: It's because I'm not. The name's Shura.

Corrin: What are you doing here? This is no place for townsfolk.

Shura : I'm not a regular villager. I'm a... I can fight. If you're against Mokushu, I'm with you. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Corrin: We don't have much time to discuss this now... Can we talk after the battle ends?

Shura : Alright. Until then, I'm with you.

(If Saizo is defeated)

Saizo : I must not fall here... My liege needs me... For Lord Ryoma, I must retreat.

(If Kaze is defeated)

Kaze : I can't die now... My services to Hoshido are still required... I must retreat, but I trust you will end the battle.

(Initiating combat against Kotaro)

Kotaro: The new kingdom of Mokushu will be built on your graves! Not even King Garon can stop me now!

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