(C) Chapter Fourteen: Voice of Paradise

Start from the beginning

Azura: Embrace the dark you call a home. Gaze upon an empty white throne. A legacy of lies. A familiar disguise... Sing with me a song of conquest and fate. The black pillar cracks beneath its weight. Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone. Lost in thoughts all alone.

(Corrin gets to their feet)

Corrin: Gods... I have to leave.

Leo: Corrin! Where are you going?

Camilla: Corrin!

Elise: Hey! Come back!

(Corrin, Leo, Camilla, and Elise leave)

Garon: That woman... Kill her!

Iago: She did something to you! We must have her killed regardless of the peace in Nestra!

Garon: Capture that songstress and kill her now! Nohrians, advance!

(Scene changes to show Corrin, Leo, Camilla, and Elise backstage where they run into Azura)

Corrin: Azura! There you are! What were you thinking?!

Azura: I... I suspected something was wrong with him, and it appears I was correct.

Camilla: What's going on? I want answers.

Leo: So do I.

( Nohrian soldiers appear backstage)

Azura: I'll explain later... For now, we need to fight our way out of here.

Elise: We need to be careful...

Corrin: I don't think they've noticed us yet... We'll need to be careful... Stay out of their line of sight and try to escape.

(The battle begins. Felicia/Jakob appears on the battlefield beside the royals. If Corrin is female, Felicia will appear, and if male, Jakob will appear. It's the opposite retainer to who joined at the start of the game. Keaton will also appear)

(If Corrin is male)

Jakob: Lord Corrin! Finally, I found you... I'm glad to be by your side once again. Thank the gods that King Garon wanted me to come here and join your army...

Corrin: Jakob! I don't have much time to explain, but we need to fight our way out of here and escape.

Jakob: Aren't these people Nohrians?

Corrin: Yes, but they're the enemy at the moment. Please, trust me on this.

Jakob: I'll follow your lead. Tell me to do whatever you require.

(If Corrin is female)

Felicia: Lady Corrin! I'm glad to see you... Good thing the king wanted me to join your army while here in Nestra.

Corrin: Felicia! It's great to see you, but there's no time for pleasantries. I can't explain now, but we need to fight our way out of here.

Felicia: But... They're Nohrians.

Corrin: I know, but they're our enemy. Please, trust me here.

Felicia: Of course. I know you have a good reason for this.

(Both options converge here)

Keaton: Gods... Somehow, I don't think I'm supposed to be back here... Nohrians? I bet they're making trouble as usual, and in a neutral country no less... Maybe somebody around here can help explain this...

(Corrin and Keaton talk)

Keaton: Hey! What's going on here?

Corrin: Keep it down...

Keaton: Um... Sorry.

Corrin: My name is Corrin. I'm a Nohrian noble.

Keaton: Oh... I see... Then why are you fighting Nohrians?

Corrin: They attacked an innocent songstress, who happens to be a friend of mine.

Keaton: So, you aren't attacking people out of bloodlust... Good.

Corrin: What's your name?

Keaton: Keaton. I'm a wolfskin.

Corrin: A wolfskin?

Keaton: Yeah. I can transform into a wolf by using a beaststone.

Corrin: That explains the ears and tail...

Keaton: You know what? I like you. You aren't killing just for the sake of killing.

Corrin: I would never.

Keaton: I was originally just looking for directions on how to get back to my home, but you're interesting. If it's alright with you, I think I'll stick around for a while.

Corrin: That's fine with me.

Keaton: Alright then. It's a deal.

(At the end of turn three, Anna appears)

Anna: A fight? Interesting... I'm sure there's a way to profit off this...

(Anna and Corrin speak)

Corrin: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Anna: Name's Anna. I'm a merchant around here.

Corrin: You shouldn't be here. We're in the middle of a fight.

Anna: I'm not your everyday merchant though. I can fight just as well as the rest of them.

Corrin: Really? In that case, I'd be glad to have you.

Anna: Well, I'll need to be paid some if I'm going to join the battle...

Corrin: Okay, okay, I'll pay you. Just stay quiet and escape. Stay out of the sight of the soldiers.

Anna: On it.

(After the battle)

Corrin: We managed to escape... Azura, what was that about?!

Azura: I got the feeling something was wrong with the king... I wanted to test my theory.

Leo: What was that song you sang?

Azura: It's a song my family has been singing for centuries... It was passed down to me from my mother. She didn't tell me exactly how it worked, but she said it exposed corruption of the soul.

Elise: Corruption of the soul?

Azura: Think of if somebody is being controlled by another entity. It shows something is wrong with them.

Corrin: That's helpful...

Camilla: We don't have time to sit around like this. Azura, change as quickly as you can. We need to find Father. He's bound to get suspicious if we're gone for much longer.

Azura: Alright.

Corrin: Camilla is right. There's no time to lose.

(The royals all leave the backstage area) 


If you guys want to go on and read the full version it's uploaded on Archive of our Own under my user (digitaldreams). Conquest is finished over there. I'm speeding through it in the next week though to get it posted by the time Three Houses drops on Friday


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