A/n: The End

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I don't know how to start this. I will cry. Actually, I am crying. This is the end of this fnaf series.

The End.

Yup, This is the final author's note and Vincent's Ending was the final chapter to this book series. I just wanted to thank you all for everything. All the votes, comments, and encouragement. In the beginning, I really didn't know where this series was going. I started it with an idea and as I continued to write it the idea changed and formed into this 2 book series about a night guard who at first lost her job to an unfair boss and it ended with the night guard falling in love with one of their friends.

I also want to apologize.

I am sorry that I write as I do. In the beginning, in the first book, I wrote something saying how I write. I write using her and she.  That's just how I write because I'm comfortable writing like that. So I want to apologize to those of you who made it this far that I didn't write it in a male form or in a form that has they and them. 

I just felt comfortable with writing in the female perspective because I am a girl. 

So, I apologize.

Thank you all for joining me in this 2 Book series. I thank and appreciate every one of you.

Thank you for joining me on this crazy ride and staying with me for the entire ride. 

I love you all and I want to thank you again.

Thank you.

Thank you

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