Fake Smile

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I walked to my room and opened my door. I saw Marlene. One of the detective's friends.

   " Hey, Melene. "

   " Hey, Y/n. Are you excited about leaving and going back? "

   " Ya! It'll be nice to see Alex again and walk around the park. " I said with a fake smile.

   " I'm glad! I'll leave you alone to pack. "

   " Thank you! "

   " Oh, and Y/n? "

   " Yes? "

   " Tonight we are going to test your stress levels one more time and give you that sleep medicine. "

   " Do I have to take the medicine? I can sleep perfectly fine on my own. "

   " Can't do that Y/n. After that first night of you screaming and kicking everyone we can't. Plus after you would calm down we couldn't get you to go back to sleep. Some nights you would stay awake and never sleep. It's protocol. "

   " O-Okay. "

Melene left my room and I let my fake smile drop. A frown decorated my face. I hated sleep medicine. They would put it in a syringe and give it to me like a shot. It hurt a lot to where I would feel a lot of pain and pass out. I went to my closet and started packing everything up.

   " I need to look for an apartment to live in when I get back. "

I forgot about everything that happened in the pizzeria. That's what the sleep medicine did to me. It made me forget about the pizzeria. I think they put something in it. All I remember is that I worked there and one night a man got inside and tried to kill me. They claimed he was insane. Once I got everything packed I pulled my phone out and started looking for a place to live.

   " Hey! Dylan! "

   " Ya!?"

   " Can you help me? "

   " Sure. "

Dylan was like Melene another friend of the detective. I only talked to him and Melene.

   " I need help looking for an apartment for when I get back. "

   " Sure! "

We started looking for an apartment complex around the area. We eventually found one called the EX Inn. I was to be living on the 5th floor. 

   " Thanks! "

   " Not a problem. "

Dylan left my room and I continued to pack. Tomorrow was going to be weird. I never imagined going back. After a year was over I never expected to go back. I gave up on it. Now I get a call that it's time for me to go back. Weird. I set my suitcase beside my bed and heard a knock on my door.

   " Y/n! It's time to take the medicine and test your stress. " Melene shouted through the door.

   " Okay. "

I Opened my door and saw everyone gathered around the couch. Dylan and Melene would always be the ones to hold me down or calm me down in case I wanted to run or the medicine was really, really too much for me.

   " *sigh* "

After a while, I decided to let them do whatever. I couldn't struggle anymore. It was very tiring. I walked to the couch and sat down. They wrapped the stress tester around my arm. After a few minutes, they took it off.

   " 2.3 level. Good. Your stress levels are really low. That's good. By the time you get home, you won't have stress at all! "

   " Yay! " I faked.

They put the stress tester away and pulled out the syringe. They already had the medicine in it and ready to go. Melene grabbed one of my arms and held it tight while Dylan was rubbing the area on my arm where he would stick the needle. I started freaking out once the cloth left my arm.

   " I-I don't think this is necessary. Really! This is my last night here. Why not? "

   "  Sorry Y/n. We have to. It's protocol. "

   " Well, you don't have to. We don't even have to tell anyone! "

   " It's for your own good Y/n and you know that. "

I felt the needle go into my arm. As soon as the medicine went into my body I felt the pain sear through my body. I started trying to fight my way out of Melene's grip. There was a reason why Melen was holding me down. She was the strongest out of the group. My body started getting worn out and the pain was increasing.

   " Y/n it will end soon okay! " Dylan yelled.

   " Calm down girl! It won't last long! "

Then I stopped fighting. My body went slack. It felt numb. I felt my vision get fuzzier and fuzzier. I let my eyelids close and darkness enveloped me. I let myself fall into a deep sleep.

( Anyone's P.O.V. )

Dylan picked up your body and carried you to your room and laid you down under your covers and left the room.

Back in the world you once knew Alex was leaving the pizzeria. He had finished some paperwork and talked with the detective about you coming back. He was happy you were getting to come back. 

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