Seeing Them Again

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I felt someone shaking me. I opened one of my eyes to see Mike standing in front of me.

" Hey, Y/n it's time to go. We need to head to the pizzeria right now and get ready for our shift. "

" Okay. "

I stood up and pushed Mike out of the room and got dressed in the guard uniform. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs and saw Mike waiting by the door.

" Ready? "

" Yup. Let's go. "

We walked outside and got on Mike's motorcycle and he started driving towards the pizzeria. It didn't take long and we got there quick. I got off and took the helmet off. I set it on the seat and we walked into the pizzeria. It was only 11:30. As we walked I looked around the pizzeria. I noticed how different it looked from the old one. I saw all of the toy animatronics.

" They look really creepy. "

" I know. I don't understand why the kids like them, "

When we got to the office I heard the bell ring. I took a seat on the chair and picked up the tablet.

" Toy Chica's already gone. "

" Great. "

" Hey, Mike. Hey, Y/n. "

" Hey, Goldie. "

" Sup. "

" I talked with the others. "

" What did they say? " I asked.

" They want to see you, but they want you to keep in mind that they were scrapped for pieces for the new animatronics. "

" I'll keep it in mind. "

" Okay. Mike? "

" I'll stay here. It's their moment. Plus I can handle the animatronics on my own. "

" Okay. "

Goldie turned back and faced me.

" Since this is the second night the animatronics will be more active. "

" I know. When we came I checked the tablet and saw Toy Chica was already gone. "

" Yeah, since they are more active I'll teleport us. "

" Okay. "

I grabbed his hand and he smiled at me. Then he teleported us into a dark room. I felt him grip my hand and he started moving through the darkness. I heard him flip a switch and the lights came on. There was a brown bear in the corner holding a microphone. His brown fur looked rough and a little ripped. The hat was tore in half.

" I remember your names. "

I pointed to the brown animatronic bear. He lifted his head up towards me.

" You're Freddy. "

He nodded then I pointed toward the chicken. Her arms were gone and her wires were showing. Pieces of fabric were missing and she was bent over as if her endoskeleton was almost in half.

" Your name is Chica. "

She nodded her head slowly. Then I looked at the fox. Most of his endoskeleton was showing, but his legs look to be as if they can stand up and move.

" You're Foxy. "

He stood up and ran over towards Goldie and me. I felt him wrap his non-hooked hand behind my back and hug me.

" He missed you. " Goldie said.

I hugged him back slowly and he let go. I finally faced the last animatronic. It was a Bunny. His face was gone and his red eyes and wires were showing. His left arm as gone along with the fabric on his good hand and right foot.

" Bonnie. "

He looked up at me slowly and nodded. I looked at all of them one by one.

" You all look terrible. "

Foxy nodded and started changing. When he was done he had long red hair with an eyepatch with a torn and ripped up pirate outfit. Most of his pants were ripped and he had no shoes on. His hook remained on his hand.

" Lass. Goldie here told ye and everyone about what ye went through when ye left. Do ye not remember me, lass? "

" I'm sorry. I don't remember any of you..."

Foxy's face fell and he looked sad and upset.

"...but I can remember. I went back to my old house and remembered everything about Mike. So I probably could remember you all if something were to happen that happened before I left. "

" Really! "

" Ya. The only things I remember so far is, Mike, Alex, Vincent, and my old life before I came here. "

" We'll have to trigger something. "

" Ya. You will. In the meantime, I can try to repair you guys. "

" Ye would do that for us lass? "

" Of course I would. I can tell Iw as close with you all, so I'll fix everyone. Tonight I can start with Freddy. "

" Okay. Foxy and I will make sure no one comes into this room. There's a toolbox somewhere around here. "

" Okay. Thanks, Foxy and Goldie. "

They nodded and left. I started searching for the parts I needed. I found a wet cloth and a water bottle along with the toolbox and enough fabric to make a complete outfit.

' Time to get to work. '

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