Fixing Mangle

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When I got there I saw Mike sleeping in the chair. I walked over to him and took the monitor. I took his hat off and set it to the side. I looked through the monitor and noticed something. Mangle wasn't in the small party room.

' That's right. I need to fix mangle. '

I left a sleeping Mike and started on my way towards the storage room. Once I got there I grabbed a toolbox and started searching for parts. I found the fabric I needed and found a few parts. I stood up and left the storage and started looking for Mangle.

' Where could she be? '

I walked around until I went backstage. I saw Mangle laying on the floor. I walked over to her and tapped the wall next to her. Her eyes focused on me. I smiled at her.

" I'm going to fix you okay? "

" oKAy. "

I started repairing her. I attached the fabric and put some bolts in. Then the only thing left was to put the right eye back into the endoskeleton and fix it.

" Mangle. I am going to put your right eye back in. Is that okay? "

" Go oN AhEAd. "

I grabbed the eye and pulled it towards the skeleton. I pushed and the eye reconnected with the endoskeleton. I took the voice box and put a new one in. Then I finally put the fabric back on the face and stepped away from Mangle.

" Okay. Now stand up. See if anything is wrong so I can try to fix it. "

She did as I asked and stood up. She moved around. Then she started turning into her human form. When she did she was shorter than me and had white hair with a pink streak in her hair. She wore a longsleeved white collared shirt with a yellow and pink striped vest. A yellow skirt and white pantyhose with pink shoes. She wore white wolf ears and a white tail.

" How do you feel? "

" I feel great! "

" Good I'm glad you're fixed. "


She jumped at me and hugged me. I hugged her back. We pulled away from each other and she ran away from the back room of the stage. I walked out behind her and saw everyone looking at her. She was smiling brightly. Toy Chica ran over and hugged her. I smiled at the picture and started walking away. It was almost time to go. I walked to the office to see Mike still asleep. I crouched beside him and started shaking him.

" Mike. "

" Mike. "

" No. Let me sleep a while longer. "

" Mike the bell is about to ring. We have to go. "

" Fine."

He stood up and rubbed his eyes. He yawned and put his hat on. We started walking away from the office. We got outside and I saw Jeremy waiting for us.

" Hey, Jeremy. "

" Morning Y/n. Morning Mike. "

I handed him the keys and smiled. I waved at him as we walked out and towards Mike's motorcycle. We got on and he started driving towards the house. When we got there I unlocked the door and walked inside. Mike flopped on the couch and I walked upstairs. I got in bed and laid down. I didn't have any dreams that night.

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