Who Will Win Her Heart?

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" Mike. I'm going upstairs to change. "

" Okay. "

I walked upstairs and took a shower and got changed into something cute but comfortable.

I walked upstairs and took a shower and got changed into something cute but comfortable

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Something like this.

I walked downstairs and saw Mike in his usual black leather jacket.

" Ready? "

" Yeah. Let's go. "

We walked outside and climbed on Mike's motorcycle.

" I really need to get a car. "

" Don't like riding my motorcycle? "

" It's not that, I just miss my old car. Poor Regina. "

Mike rolled his eyes and he started driving towards the town square. It didn't take long, but when we got there I saw Alex's parked car in front of some shops. I pointed it out to Mike and he pulled up beside it.

" Hey, Alex. "

" Hey, Y/n. Hello Mike. "

" Sup, Alex? "

" You both are early. "

" So are you. " I said smirking at him.

" That's true. Force of habit I guess. "

" Same with us. We usually show up early for work. "

" Good. that's a good work ethic. "

" Where are we heading first? "

" I thought we could look through some shops for a while and explore. You haven't seen a lot since you've been back. Have you? "

" I haven't. I've been meaning to explore though. "

" Well, then I picked a good place to wander around. Let's get started. "

" Alright. "

( Anyone's P.O.V. )

Tip: Alex is kind of your age. Let's just say he's one of those kinds of people who learned about business quickly and struck the business industry hard and is now a billionaire. So he is around your age. I saw comments of people thinking he was an old man or really old. NOT IN THIS STORY!!!! The reader shouldn't know about his money until a few seconds in the future so just wait.

You walked beside Alex to one of the shops. Mike walked behind you two and silently glared at Alex.

' What is he doing? He never tried anything before she left. Why is he trying now? ' Mike thought.

You three walked into the first store. It was a cute antique place.

' I can get every one of the animatronics presenters. Since they are waking up again. It'll be nice. '

You left Alex and started looking through all the antiques. While you looked around Mike walked beside Alex and held a firm hand on his shoulder.

" Alex. What are you planning? "

" What do you mean Mike? "

" What are you planning to do with Y/n. What are your intents? "

" My intent is to become closer to her Mike. Why is that a problem? "

" It is. "

" How is that a problem? I just want to get closer to one of my employees. "

" You never tried to do that before though. So why would you want to try now? "

Alex looked at Mike with sadness in his eyes.

" Mike, you and the animatronics weren't the only ones who missed her. "

Mike stayed silent as he stared at Alex with confusion in his eyes.

" Once the detective told me to send her away I realized there was nothing I could do to pull her out of it. They thought she had lost it. They tried to brainwashed. God when I called her for the first time in almost 2 years her I expected her voice to be happy. It was the complete opposite. She sounded dead. It broke my heart. I swore to protect her from that detective if he ever came back. "

" ... "

" If you think I want to get closer to her romantically then you're right. Sorry Mike but you should have expected competition. "

Mike was speechless. He didn't know what to say. Alex meant what he said. He wasn't going to give up easily. He saw you at the cash register about to pay. He walked over and stood beside you.

" I'll pay for it. "

" No. Alex, you can't pay for it. "

" Why can't I? "

" Cause It's my choice whether to pay for it or not. I'll pay for my own item. "

He set his credit card on the counter and slid it towards the woman at the cash register.

" I'll pay for her items. "

" Okay. "

She bagged up your items and handed Alex back his credit card. YOu three walked out of the shop together. You looped the bag around your wrist and swung the back gently back and forth.

" You didn't have to do that, Alex. "

" Yes. I did. No arguing about it. "

Mike grabbed your hand gently with a small blush on his face. He wasn't going to lose to Alex. He wasn't going to lose you so easily either. He knew how slick Alex could be. He wasn't planning on losing you. You looked at Mike with curiosity but shrugged it off. Alex grabbed your other hand and held it gently. You blushed at his touch.

" Please tell me they won't fight over me. Great now I'm in a......what do you call it... a love... A love decagon. Man, I learned something in geometry class. Thanks Mr. Lawson. "

Through the whole day, Alex and Mike would drag you everywhere to get your attention. But when it came to going home you took the bus. Mike and Alex were arguing and you didn't want to listen to it. Once you got home you set everything to the side and wrapped them up in cute wrapping paper.

 Once you got home you set everything to the side and wrapped them up in cute wrapping paper

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You set the gifts aside and walked up to your room and fell asleep. Today was Sunday. You wanted to fix up Bonnie tomorrow.

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