Chica Is Fixed!

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I sat in front od Chica and set the bucket down beside me. I got our her arms and started reattaching them to her body. Then I fixed her endoskeleton. It was missing a few screws. I started putting the fabric on the animatronic suit. Then I started to clean her up.

" You're a lot easier than Freddy. "

I pushed her wires back in the suit and stood up. Chica stood up too. She looked as good as new. She was missing one thing though...

" Before I forget! "

I handed her a cupcake. I remembered she had a cupcake before. Then she started to transform. The transformed into her human form. She looked good. Her blonde pigtails her big and long.

" Y/N! "

She jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

" Chica! I'm so glad you're better! "

" It's all thanks to you! "

I started remembering everything after that. I remembered making pizza and talking all the time. I hugged her tighter.

" I missed you a lot, Chica. "

" I missed you too Y/n. Not a day went by that I wondered if I would see you again. "

I pulled away and grabbed her hand. I led her toward the door.

" Let's go see the others. "

I saw her nod and her face get a little red. I opened the door and saw Goldie and Foxy in the same positions as I left them in earlier.

" Guys. I fixed Chica. "

I walked out of the room and Chica followed me.

" Chica! " They both shouted.

They jumped on her in a hug. I giggled at their reactions. I brought my phone out and took a picture. It was adorable.

" Now I have to fix Bonnie and then Mangle. "

" Mangle? " Foxy questioned.

" Ya. I was searching for Chica's other arm when she saw me. She helped me find it. I promised I would fix her after I fix you guys. "

" I don't know if that's a good idea, lass. "

" Why not? "

" She's my replacement. She's one of the toys minions. "

" Sometimes she helps the puppet. " Goldie said with venom.

" Well, I'm a woman/man of my word. So I'm going to fix her. "

" Are you sure? " Chica asked.

" Positive. "

" Well, look what we have here. "

I turned and looked down the hallway away from the office, but facing the main party room. Standing there was Toy Freddy. He was my height with brown hair, rosy cheeks with a brown top hat. He was wearing a brown vest that was buttoned on top of a white elbow length collared shirt. He wore brown pants along with black fancy shoes and a black top hat and bow. He had baby blue eyes. not like Freddy's.

' Freddy's are more like ice. '

" Looks like you fixed Chica. Now I'll ask sweet thing. Will you stop fixing them? "

" Not until I fix Bonnie. "

" Sad. A pretty thing like you has to go to waste. "

He lunged at me but I ducked under him and rolled on the others side where he stood. He rolled and stood up facing me again. Chica, Goldie, and Foxy were a few feet behind him.

" Fiesty. I like that. "

"Too bad you can't have it. "

" Oh, I will. " he tried to lunge at me again, but Foxy caught the back of his vest and held him.

" Sorry lad, but ye can't have her. "

He threw him against the wall. Toy Freddy hit the wall with his side, but unbeknownst to him, Foxy kicked him down the hallway.

" Lass. We need to get you to the office. "

" I have enough time tonight to fix Bonnie though. "

" You can do that tomorrow when they are not active. Your main objective tonight was Chica. You fixed her. Now let's all get to the office before the other toys get here. " Goldie said.

I nodded and we started running towards the office. I ran beside Chica. As we reached the office hallway Toy Bonnie stood in the entrance. I saw Mike and Freddy at the desk.

" What do we do? " I whispered to Chica.

" Goldie will take care of it. He always has. " She mumbled.

Goldie walked up to Toy Bonnie. He grabbed his arms and when Toy Bonnie started to struggle they teleported away. We ran until we got inside the office. Goldie teleported back into the room, but without Toy Bonnie. Freddy walked towards Chica and hugged her.

" I'm glad you're okay. You look brand new. "

" That's all thanks to Y/n. "

Freddy looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him with a blush. I walked over to Mike and looked at the tablet.

" Anything that needs to be done? "

" By you? No. "

" What? Why? I'm a security guard too. "

" Yeah, but I don't want you having to leave the office. "

" I'll be fine Mike. If something happens I can run back or hide. What do you need to be done? "

" The music box needs to be wound up. There's something wrong with the tablet and it won't let me wind it up. So we'll have to do it manually and walk to the prize corner to wind it up. "

" Okay. I can do that. Just hand me a flashlight. "

" I don't think you should. I can go. "

" Mike. I'll be fine. I promise. Plus you can watch me on the cameras. "

" Are you still trying to steal my idea? "

I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of the two flashlights that were on the desk. I walked out and started walking toward the party room.

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