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The next morning, I awoke to the sound of a loud knocking at my window. I listened for a moment, unsure of whether it was in fact my window being knocked upon or whether it was the fire exit or the staff room door which was opposite mine.

It didn't take me long to find myself investigating who was knocking at my window. I opened the curtains and the knocking came to a sudden stop. I glanced around to see that no one was there. Perhaps it was some sort of prank being played by the others in the building.

Cautiously, I opened the window and looked around. But there was no one there. I looked down to see whether anyone had ducked but again, there was no one there. I closed the window and the curtains once more and the knocking returned. Again, I looked but as before, there was no one there and no possible explanation to what could be causing the unusual knocking sound.

I closed the curtains but it didn't occur a third time and so, I shook it off. Not thinking anything more of it.

I sighed and approached the shower room and turned on the shower, finally coming to the decision that I needed to get up and moving and so I did but whilst I was in the shower, I felt as though I were being watched by someone that I couldn't see.

The feeling grew until it became incredibly uncomfortable and as I got out of the shower, I proceeded to get changed whilst attempting to keep myself covered up. I didn't like the thought of some stranger seeing me completely naked yet even so, no one should have been in my room. No one was aloud in the rooms but the tenant but I could feel another persons presence and no matter how hard I tried to shake off the uncomfortable feeling, it remained there.

Eventually, I found myself fleaing from my room and continuing with my makeup in the public toilet that was located in the dining room of the building and even though I knew no one was there, I could still feel someone watching me but it wasn't as uncomfortable or as strong as it was in my room.

I couldn't help but feel as if I were tresspassing when I was in my room and as soon as I unlocked the door to collect my college bag, the uneasy feeling overwhelmed me. I wanted to be out of that room as soon as I possibly could be.

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