(C) Chapter Seven: Silent Forest

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Thalone : I believe Corrin should be tested. There's a rebellion in the Ice Tribe. Perhaps if they can quell the uprising, we can belief in their words.

Corrin: I understand. I won't let you down!

Xander: I will prepare my troops immediately.

Garon: Corrin will vanquish the tribe alone.

Elise: What?!

Camilla: You can't be serious!

Xander: Father, be reasonable. Attempting to end this rebellion alone would be suicide!

Corrin: Xander, I'll be fine. I can find a way to do this alone. I'll accomplish this tas and return home without fail.

Xander: ...Very well. May the gods be at your side.

Garon: Do not let me down.

Corrin : I won't. That's a promise.

(The scene changes to Corrin in the Woods of the Forlorn)

Corrin: In order to reach the Ice Tribe, I need to travel through the woods... I wonder if I'm even going the right way... I wish I had Lilith with me... Maybe she'd be able to tell me if I made the right choice...

(A Faceless appears in front of Corrin)

Corrin: I had no idea there were Faceless here! Damn...

(Corrin strikes the Faceless as others appear and surround Corrin)

Corrin: I'm surrounded! There's no way I can take care of all of them...

(If Corrin is male)

???: N-Not on my watch!

(Felicia appears and strikes one of the Faceless)

Felicia: I did it! Oh, thank goodness! Are you okay?

Corrin: Felicia?! I'm fine, thanks to you... What are you doing here?

Felicia: Your brother was worried about you. He sent me here in secret. He told me not to tell anyone to make sure your test was still valid.

Corrin: Thank you, Felicia... I'm sorry to ask for your help again so soon, but would you do me a favor and help with defeating these Faceless?

Felicia: Of course! Just leave it to me!

(If Corrin is female)

???: You will not harm her!

(Jakob appears and strikes one of the Faceless)

Jakob: Begone, vile beast! Lady Corrin, are you alright?

Corrin: Jakob?! I'm fine, thanks to you... What are you doing here?

Jakob: Your brother was concerned. He told me to follow you and keep you safe, though I'm supposed to keep quiet about it so as to not anger the king.

Corrin: Thank you... It looks like we've got company though. Would you help me fight them off?

Jakob: It would be my honor.

(The battle begins. No dialogue is spoken until the third turn ends)

Corrin: They're not backing down... We need to retreat. We can't handle this on our own.

???: Hello?

Corrin: Did you hear that? It sounds like...

???: Hey! Over here!

(Silas appears)

Corrin: Silas! What are you doing here?! I thought you were supposed to be fighting on the front lines after you left the Northern Fortress!

Silas: Plans changed! I wound up working in the service of Lord Xander. He asked me to follow you after you got a mission to go solo. Of course, I had to accept. It's been ages since we last saw each other.

Corrin: You have no idea how glad I am to see you right now. I'm sorry to be blunt, but would you be willing to help me fight off the Faceless?

Silas: Of course. Let's hit them where it hurts!

(The fourth turn ends)

???: Hey, everyone! Hold your horses! I'm here too!

(Elise appears on the battlefield)

Corrin: Elise?! You came too?

Elise: Of course! I wasn't going to let you go out and do this alone! Father might get mad, but I think it's worth it if I can see you home safe.

Corrin: Thank you so much, Elise...

Elise: My retainers should be joining us soon. I rode ahead since I got worried, but it won't be long. Reinforcements are on the way!

Corrin: I'm glad to hear that... Now, let's get to it!

(The fifth turn ends, and Arthur and Effie appear on the battlefield)

Arthur: There's nothing to fear! Arthur is here! The allies of justice have arrived!

Effie: Elise! I was so worried! I'm glad we found you. Please don't run off again.

Elise: I'm sorry I made you worry.

Corrin: You must be Elise's retainers... It's nice to meet you. I'm Corrin.

Arthur: Where injustice dwells, I will find it! I am Arthur!

Effie: I'm Effie. It's nice to meet you. Lady Elise has told me a lot about you.

Corrin: Thank you all so much for coming. It means a lot.

Elise: Thank Xander too! He encouraged me to sneak out, though I probably would have done so anyways.

Corrin: Xander... Well, I can't die before thanking him. All the more reason to prevail!

(After the battle, Elise, Silas, and Felicia/Jakob are standing in the battlefield)

Corrin: It appears the Faceless have finally been dispatched. Good work, team!

Silas: Now we can make our way through this forest and head to the Ice Tribe village.

(If Corrin is male)

Felicia: I can guide us to the village from here. It's where I was born, after all!

(If Corrin is female)

Jakob: Worry not, milady. I've made trips to the Ice Tribe before, so I know the way.

(The options converge here)

Corrin: You never cease to amaze me. Whenever you're ready, lead the way!

(The group leaves the swamp. Soon after, Iago appears)

Iago: I can't believe they managed to win, and after all that time I spent summoning those Faceless! It is truly beyond my understanding as to why King Garon would let them live in the first place... Prince Xander, the traitorous dastard, only mucked it up more... Luckily, I'm always here to set things right.  


Conquest tiiiiiiiiime


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