(C) Chapter Six: Embrace the Dark

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Felicia: Lord Corrin! I'm so glad to see you're safe!

Corrin: Felicia?!

Felicia: I came with the royal family to search for you... I'm glad to see you're safe!

Corrin: You're just in time... It seems we must fight.

(If Corrin is female)

Jakob: Lady Corrin, I apologize for the delay.

Corrin: J-Jakob?

Jakob: I have been searching for you ever since your disappearance... I wish I had been here sooner, but thanks to your siblings, here I am.

Corrin: You're just in time... It seems we must fight.

(Engaging Sakura)

Sakura: I-I won't let you hurt the people I love!

(Corrin engages combat with Sakura)

Sakura: A-Are you really going to fight me?

Corrin: You didn't do anything wrong... I'm going to find my answers for you and the rest of your siblings.

Sakura: Stop it...

(Sakura is defeated)

Sakura: I don't... understand...

(Engaging Takumi)

Takumi: Prepare to pay for what you have done!

(Corrin engages combat with Takumi)

Takumi: I knew it would come to this...

Corrin: Takumi, I—

Takumi: Don't bother. I have no time for your empty words. You'll pay for your betrayal!

(Takumi is defeated)

Takumi: This isn't over...

(Engaging Hinoka)

Hinoka: I've been training for this day!

(Corrin engages combat with Hinoka)

Hinoka : What are you doing?!

Corrin: I can't abandon the family I knew all these years. I'm sorry.

Hinoka: No...

(Hinoka is defeated)

Hinoka : I... I can't believe it's come to this...

(Engaging Azura)

Azura: Corrin...

(Corrin engages combat with Azura)

Azura: I see you've made your choice.

Corrin: I don't mean to betray you...

Azura: ...It's your decision, not mine.

(Azura is defeated)

Azura: ...

(Engaging Ryoma)

Ryoma: I won't let this happen!

(Corrin engages combat with Ryoma)

Ryoma : You can't truly mean to leave us!

Corrin: I've made my choice. I know what I must do.

Ryoma : ...

(Ryoma is defeated)

Ryoma: I must withdraw for now... But this is not over!

(Engaging Yukimura)

Yukimura: I'm sorry, Lady Mikoto...

(Corrin engages combat with Yukimura)

Yukimura: You have come back to us with a blade in hand.

Corrin: Nohr is where I belong.

Yukimura: It would break your mother's heart to see you this way...

(Yukimura is defeated)

Yukimura: Forgive me, Lady Mikoto...

(After the battle)

Corrin: Please find it in your hearts to forgive me... I know this seems like betrayal, but I will end this war. The answers I seek can only be found in Nohr... A broken nation cannot be fixed by crushing it from the outside. It takes care from inside to repair the damage. Until then... Farewell.

(Azura enters)

Azura: Corrin!

Corrin: Azura?

Azura: So... you're really leaving us?

Corrin: Azura, I...

Azura: Once done, this cannot be undone. Are you sure?

Corrin: ...Yes. This is the only way I can learn what I must. I cannot betray the people I knew to be my family for so long.

Azura: I see... I will not stop you if this is the path you have chosen. I am certain we will meet again, likely as enemies, as my loyalties lie with Hoshido. Until that time comes, I suppose this is goodbye.

(Azura leaves)

Corrin: Azura... Everyone... I'm sorry. 


If this all goes according to plan I'll have this path finished on or before July 26 so expect daily updates with a few double updates here and there.

Also, my stories have a discord server now! Just follow this link https://discord.gg/3PzAXdA to get there. I hope you check it out!


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