Can we go and give these to daddy?" Louis asked when they were done. "Umm maybe in a bit Lou." Gemma said knowing Liam had asked her not to bring the boys in till he had told her that it was okay as he didn't want them saying Harry in the state he was in. "Louis nodded sadly. Gemma got the boys another arty activity to do.


Liam helped Harry into.the wheelchair ad wheeled him to the maternity unit where he was helped in yo a bed and threw up at the movement. A nurse came in then to help get Harry settled sighing that he was clearly in a bad way and suffering. I will get a Dr to come and see you and review you can I just have you name and date of birth to check you in" the nurse said.

Harry nodded but didn't make any move to provide the information so Liam did it for him. ' Ok I will get a Dr to review and why do I recognise you" the midwife said to Liam.  "I work here I'm a nurse myself." Liam said and the midwife nodded. "That will be why then." She said with a smile before heading off to find a doctor.

Liam comforted his husband who was in pain and still felt very sick. Liam felt his husband's head for a fever. "Your pretty warm haz." Liam said concerned. "You would be if you were in this much pain." Harry cried out and Liam nodded.

The Dr and midwife came back in and rushed over. The Dr examined Harry and timed the amount of time between contractions. "I'm sorry Harry but your not ready to push yet." "You've got to be kidding me." Harry whined wanting this over now. They listened to the babies heartbeat and kept an eye on Harry who wasn't doing good at all.

"He's has a difficult pregnancy this time round am I correct in thinking?" The dr asked Liam. "Yeah he's had extreme morning sickness throughout." Liam explained "Awww I'm sorry" the midwife said as she checked his vitals. "I want to examine Harry and see how he is, we may do a c section." The Dr says. "Seriously?" Liam asked not expecting that. "It might be the safest option." He said and Liam nodded wincing a bit when Harry squeezes his hand hard when another severe cramp hit him. "Just breath, copy me" Liam said doing the breathing techniques. Once the contraction finished the Dr checked Harry and out a monitor on to check the baby.

"I think a c section is the best route to go down Harry, it will be quicker and avoid you more pain and will be less stressful for the baby." The dr explained Harry just nodded. "Are there any side effects of having a c section" Harry said. "You may be in a bit of pain for the next couple of weeks, Liam will help you with things" the Dr explained. "Isn't that going to be hard with a new baby as well I mean if I'm stuck in bed I'm not going to be able to get up very easily in the night." Harry said not wanting Liam to have to look after a newborn, the 2 older boys and then him as well.

Harry if this is the best option for you and the baby you need to have it. "We will cope" Liam said squeezing Harry's hand. "I don't know what to do." Harry said and Liam could tell he was stressing out which was something Liam really didn't want happening. Hey haz calm down, you will stress the baby out. "They want to get the baby out the safest way and not out pressure on your body which has had a very difficult time" Liam explained "I guess I just don't want to make life difficult for you." Harry said. "Love when has my life ever been easy." Liam said laughing.

Harry scrunched up his face in pain as he got an intense cramp. Liam helped Harry through it.  "At the end of the day I can't force you to have the c section but I can advise you and I honestly think it would be the best option." The dr explained.  "If you think that is the safest option for our baby to be delivered I will have it" Harry said. Liam squeezed his hands before going to put some scrubs on so he could be in the delivery room.

"Right let's go then and meet your little one." The dr said and Liam and Harry both smiled at each other. They wheeled harry into the theatre room and Liam stood and held Harry's hand as they numbed the area. "This is really happening we're having another baby today." Harry said and Liam nodded smiling. "We sure are." Liam said taking Harry's hand.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora