I Don't Want You To Get Hurt...

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He didn't know why he was as anxious as he was, but he couldn't help but worry about her. Like anyone in the world would be worried about someone who was in a state like this?

When they arrived James told them about Rae. They would have to wait somewhere else. So they did. When James and Rae were given news about her blood results he told them she was positive for having Rohypnol in her bloodstream.

It explained her disorientation and loss of consciousness, just as James suspected. The doctor told them that when she wakes up she can go home. Since it was a lower dose she may only have these symptoms only a few hours after she's conscious.

When Nathan and Kai found out, Nathan couldn't believe how terrible their night turned out to be. Kai, who was also angry at what happened, clenched his fists together. He wanted to find the person responsible for this...

When Rae went to Hazel's room to visit her she was sound asleep. James encouraged her to get some rest but Rae wanted to be by her side until she woke up... so James reminded her to get get a blanket from the staff if she wanted to stay overnight.


In the morning Hazel woke up. There was a stream of sunlight coming in from the window. She lifted her hand slowly wondering where she was. The last thing she could recall was talking to a Scarecrow last night... when she turned around Rae was sleeping beside her. Hazel suddenly felt a little nauseous. Her head was a little heavy too. So when she raised her body she fell back down.

What the hell happened?

Hazel's movement stirred Rae.

"Hazel!!" Rae rushed towards her. "Are you alright?!"

"What happened? Why am I here?"

"Some bastard slipped you a roofie."

"Excuse me?" Hazel stared at Rae in disbelief. Vaguely, she could pick up on a few things that happened last night... fragments of her wobbling around. Laying on the grass outside...

"They haven't found the person, but...." Rae kept talking about last night. About the police report she wanted to file. About further investigation. Hazel could barely keep up with it all... after all, you always think something like this would never happen to you... and then it does.

After another hour the doctor told Hazel she would be discharged. That she just needed to rest when she left. Rae insisted on bringing her home but Hazel told her that she would get her aunt to help. Rae thought that was truly out of character for her aunt... but what was she to do? Maybe her aunt was treating her more like family and not the plague...

"Alright... " Rae then told Hazel that her 'new friend' James took them here in a rush. It took Hazel a moment to realize who she meant. Hazel chuckled uncomfortably.

"Thanks..." after Rae left, Hazel called Nathan and he told her he would come personally to help her home. Hazel told him not to go through the trouble but he scolded her for saying such a thing.

Hazel was wheeled out to the front of the hospital by a nurse. She only had to wait ten minutes before Nathan arrived. He rushed over to her and held the top of her shoulders and exhaled in relief.

"There's seriously a special place in hell for people like that," Nathan then helped her to their car and they all drove back to Ravenwolf.

When she got back she was surprised to see Kai and James there.

"How are you feeling?" James asked. Nathan had escorted me into the foyer and they were standing a few feet apart from one another... like 2 angels glistening under the chandelier light.

"I feel a lot better," for some reason everything became still for Hazel. It was a little overwhelming for her. Who else in her lifetime would have worried about her like this? She stared at them as Nathan brought her forward. James kept asking her questions about what the doctor had said.

Soon, Hazel was facing Kai. She stared up at him.

"Enough, James... let her rest a little first..." he reached his hand out to hold onto Hazel's shoulder. "Nathan...can you ask Edna to make Hazel something light to eat?"

Hazel couldn't believe what she was hearing... for the first time since she moved into this house... that man never called her by her first name. Now he was saying it so effortlessly. Like he always had...

While Kai brought Hazel upstairs James turned to Nathan to address his concerns.

"I promised her I wouldn't say anything... but there are too many coincidences. From the time I've picked her up. To the time a car nearly ran her over--"

"When did that happen?!"

"And now... I don't think I'm overthinking this... but it feels like something dangerous. Or someone dangerous is around her... I think it's worth looking into."

Ravenwolf's RoseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon