I need you / Part 2

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The next morning

Gilmher's pov:

My eyes slowly opened due to the light that peeled through the curtains.

I groaned at the throbbing pounding in my head. I was most definitely hungover.

Turning to my side I saw that the side was cold and empty. Where was Y/n?

I slowly got up gripping the side cabinet for support. My head continued to pound and my eyesight was blurry. The need to throw up was approaching and I ran to the bathroom, knocking into a few things as I finally arrived at the bathroom.

While I began to throw up I felt someone rubbing my back soothingly. It was Y/n.

After a terrible two minutes of puking, I slumped against the tub.

"Let me get you some water," Y/n said as she ran to the kitchen.

I held my head recalling the two seconds ago that I saw her. Her eyes were puffy and red and her nose resembled Rudolph the red nose reindeer.

She came back and handed me the glass of water.

"Let's get you back to bed, you could be sick with a hangover," Her voice was raspy as if she had been crying the night before.

What happened?

She slung her arm around me, lifting me up and helping me back to the bedroom.

I inspected her face as she felt my forehead.

It was full of pain and hurt.

"What's wrong Y/n?" I whispered as she stopped feeling my head.

"Nothing baby, I'll get you a rag to keep your head cold and I'll make you some breakfast," she tried to cover up the expression on her face but I know her too well.

She went out and brought a wet rag to put on my forehead.

The cold water made my headache feel much better.

I sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling. I heard her footsteps leave the room and my mind traveled back to last night.

"If I want to have fun I will have fun, you don't need to nag me, you're not my mom," I pulled up the blanket throwing a pillow towards Y/n in a childish manner.

"Exactly, I'm you're girlfriend, so stop behaving like a child and I won't need to act like your mother," Y/n was about to leave when I spoke causing her to stop in her tracks.

"I don't need you as my mom or my girlfriend."

''Gilmher, stop, you're drunk," She turned around to face me when I sat up.

"I have fun without you, I don't need you. All you do is nag and get on my case. It's annoying. Why don't you leave me alone and let me do whatever the hell I want to do for once?" I raised his voice causing her to flinch.

My eyes shot open at the sudden flashback.

Did I really say that to the love of my life? The only girl that loves and cares for me? The girl that's taking care of me despite what I told her last night?

That explains the tears face and the sad eyes.

I felt my heart stop as I realized I made her cry.

"Y/n!" I yelled wanting her to come quickly so I could hug her.

"Yes yes?!" She ran in thinking I was hurt.

I pulled her down and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," I repeated mumbling into her hair as tears began to run down my face.

"For what?" She held my cheek.

"For all the stupid stuff I said last night. I love you. I need you. I will always need you. I need you more than you need me and I don't deserve you. You're too good for me, you're taking care of me despite the jerk I was to you last night. I love you so much and I don't mean anything I said last night please believe me please I-" she cut me off planting her lips on mine.

"I believe you, and I love you too."

I held her close realizing how lucky I am to have such an amazing girl. Never again will I forget it.

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