Big Troubles/ Part 2

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Y/n's pov:

School was over and I waited at the park for Gilmher. 

"HEY Y/N!" I heard a voice yell. I turned and saw ex

"Go away" I rolled my eyes.

"Why? Ya waiting for your boyfriend"

"He's not my boyfriend''

"No of course he isn't"

"Can you just please leave me alone" I raised my voice.

"Why huh!? You wanna be alone with that asshole? That asshole you dumped me for!?" He raised his voice too.

"I didn't dumped you for that reason! I just realised who you really are...a jerk"

"And this jerk still loves you!" He lowered his voice.

"But I don't Blake...go away" I turned my back and sighed. 

"NO!" He yelled and grabbed my arm and punched me. I fell on the ground.

"HEY BACK THE FUCK UP!" I heard someone yell. Gilmher...He punched Blake making him fall.

"Gilmher..." I said getting up. He grabbed him by his shirt.

"Touch her again and it will be the last thing you do"

"Okay chill man!" Blake said and runned away. 

"You okay?" Gilmher asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"You're bleeding!" Gilmher said grabbing a tissue and placed it on my cheek 

"G I'm okay..." I said taking his hand away.

"What a jerk" he said

"I know. But whatever, what did you wanna do?" I asked

"Well...I know something better." He smirked

"What?"He put down his backpack, grabbed two graffiti sprays and smirked. I smirked back.

"Time to give that jerk a revenge?" He asked.

"Yas" We sneaky walked to Blake's house.

"No ones home. Perfect!" Gilmher said and runned to the garage door. 

"Ya ready?" Gilmher laughed

"I am"

"Here we go" Gilmher said and handed a spray to me. We began to draw a big heart and write our names in it. We wanted to do more but a man opened the door.

"HEY WTF! GET OUT!" He yelled angry.

"We're not inside" Gilmher said as it was nothing.


We both laughed and runned as fast as we could away. "Hahahahhaha" we laughed and stopped to catch breathe. 

"That was awesome!" I said


I wanted to raise my hand to give him a high five but Gilmher leaned in and kissed my cheek. 

"See ya tomorrow Y/n" Gilmher said I couldn't reply because he already walked away. I blushed and made with a huge smile on my face my way back home.

Gilmher Croes ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora