Without you

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Y/n's pov:

Today was the day I planned to go to the movies with Gilmher.

Last week didn't go well between us. I mean we didn't spend time with each other at all. When I called him he was busy, and he only called me when I was busy. Idk but things changed between us... that's why I wanted to go to the movies together.

Gil <3 : be ready pick you up in 20 minutes xx

I locked my phone and got to my closet.

"What should I wear? Something cute" I said to myself.

I picked clothes and tried them on.

"Oeh cute" I said to myself looking in the mirror.

I did my business in the bathroom and soon the bell rang.

I opened to see my lovely boyfriend.

"Hi babe" I said and kissed him.

He kissed me back but pulled away after 2 seconds.

I was a little confused.

"Hi" he smiled

We walked to his car. I waited for Gilmher to hold the door for me but this time he didn't so I opened it by myself.

I sat down and did my seat belt on.

He started the car and drove to the cinema. He played music and then grabbed my hand witch made me smile.

His hands were shaking a little.

"Gil are you okay?" I asked him

"Yeah of course" He said not getting his eyes of the road.


Gilmher focused on the movie while I kept staring at him. He didn't even notice

What's wrong with him? Am I invisible? He's acting weird. What's wrong with us?

"Are you okay?" Gilmher asked cutting me off from my thoughts 

"Uh yeah of course" I smiled

"Oh okay" He said, grabbed my hand and continued the movie


"That movie was awesome!" Gilmher smiled

"Yeah" I lied

I actually didn't watch the movie. I was thinking the whole time about us.

We walked to the car and I waited again for Gilmher to hold the door open for me. But again he didn't...

He was driving me back home but I asked him to stop for a minute on the road.

"Gil can you please pull over for a second?" I asked him

"Why?" He asked

"I want to talk"

"Oh yeah sure" he said and did what I asked

"What's wrong?" He asked me

"Well Gil, Idk but last week you're acting different, it's different between us"

"But I-"

"Please let me finish" I cut him off

He slowly nodded and I continued

"Did you noticed we haven't spend time with each other anymore? I really miss that Gil. But I-I think we have to move on. My feelings changed, and I think it's better if we- break up"

His face froze and he didn't reply. Suddenly a tear rolled down his face. My heart broke watching him being sad.

He grabbed a paper out of his pocket and gave it to me.

"What is this?" I asked

He didn't reply but another tear rolled down his face.

Right at the time I wanted to open the paper I felt my head bump against my window.

I screamed as loud as I could

The whole car flipped over and landed upside down next to the road.

I was so scared and I felt pain everywhere. I touched my head and my hand was covered with blood.

I looked at Gilmher who wasn't awake.

"GILMHER!" I yelled


*In the hospital*

I woke up.

"Ouch" I said from the pain "My head"

"Please lay down young lady" a lady said to me

"Where am I?" I asked her

"In the hospital" she said

"What?" I asked shocked

"You had a car accident. Well, you were standing next to the road with your car but a drunk man ran into your car and you flipped over next to the road. The drunk man didn't make it... And when we arrived at the accident you were unconscious" she explained

"Gilmher!" I then remembered and yelled

"Where's Gilmher?" I asked her

"The guy who was in the car with you?" She asked


"We're so sorry, but he was really hurt... he didn't make it..." I froze my eyes got wide open and my stomach hurt.

"Miss?" The doctor asked

A tear slipped down my face

"We're so sorry. We did everything we could" I then burst out in tears I could barely breath.

She stroked my back and left the room.

I was alone and it was quite, the only thing you heard was me crying.

My vision got blurry because of all the tears. I closed my eyes and all my tears fell down. I then felt something in my pocket. I grabbed it and it was Gilmher's note. I still haven't read it.

I began to cry harder. I stared at it for a couple seconds and then wiped my tears.

I opened it and read it.

Hi babe xx

You're probably reading this while I'm with you at your home. If so, everything's going just like I planned. I was so nervous the last weeks, I acted different, I couldn't spend time with you because I was planning this... you probably noticed. But that's because I wanted to ask you something.

Did you know that I love you? Are there words to explain how much I love you? I don't think so. But what if I asked you to prom? Would you understand? Well...

Y/n y/l/n would you go to prom with me?

I hope you say yes ;)

Because without your love, I would die. Gil xxx

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