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You woke up, due to the cold wind blowing through your open window.

You sighed and turned around, being too lazy to get up and close the window.

You put your arm around, what you assumed was your boyfriend, but it turned out that it was just his pillow.

You opened your eyes confused, as to where your boyfriend was and turned the lamp on the nightstand on.

He didn't leave a note which started to worry you, since he would always leave one if he would leave for somewhere.

You took your phone, turning it on, revealing a picture of you and Gilmher as your lockscreen.

The clock on your phone read 6:14 am. You sighed putting your head down onto the pillow.

Why would Gilmher be awake at such an early hour? You asked yourself.

Since your boyfriend didn't leave you a note, you decided to text him before you start worrying too much.

6:16 am:

You: where are you?

It took him a few seconds to reply.

6:17 am:

Him: On the rooftop.

You let out a breath of relief but furrow your eyebrows a few seconds after.

6:20 am:

You: why?

6:21 am:

Him: can't sleep

You sighed, locking your phone.

Pushing the comfortable covers off you, you get out of the king sized bed.

You slipped into your sneakers and put one of your boyfriends hoodies on.

You walked towards the elevator in a sleepy haze.

You closed your eyes until you heard the familiar 'ding' going off, signaling you that you arrived to your destination.

You opened the door that led to the rooftop and there he was.

Gilmher was sitting at the edge of the rooftop, his feet dangling down the roof.

You quietly walked towards him and sat down on the edge next to him.

He turned to you, smiling at your beautiful frame.

"Hey" you said, looking into his brown orbs.

"Hi" he greeted back, putting his arm over your shoulder.

You leaned your head on his shoulder, enjoying his presence.

"So why couldn't you sleep?" you asked him after a while.

"I don't know, I guess I was just overthinking a lot." he mumbled in your hair before planting a kiss on top of your head.

After a while, you felt Gilmher's head fall on top of yours and hear little snores coming from his mouth.

You didn't wanna bother him and just let him sleep since he didn't get any but then the sun started to come up.

You wanted Gilmher to watch the sunrise with you which meant that you had to wake him up.

"Gil" you whispered, slightly running your hands through his hair.

This caused him to just cuddle more into you.

You sighed before pulling away from, making his head fall off your shoulder.

"What the heck Y/n?" he asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"The sun is about to come up and I thought you would want to see it." you pointed at the sky that already looked like an orange color.

He looked at the sky and got mesmerized by it.

You on the other hand, just admired the beauty of your boyfriend.

The way he sat there just looking at the sky, his hair looking better then ever, his eyes shining like a sea of green and brown.

"Wow this is really beautiful." he mumbled, you still looking at him.

"Yeah it really is." you mumbled, causing him to look at you, you already looking at him.

A smile started to appear on his face, making you smile too.

"What are you doing?" he asked you with a grin plastered on his face.

"Just admiring your beauty." you answered him,shocking him.

He didn't expect you to answer so directly.

His hand slided up to your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb, before leaning in.

After so many years, you still felt the sparks every time he kisses you.

You pulled away, looking into his eyes.

"You are so beautiful." he whispered, so only you could hear it.

"I could say the same about you."

Gilmher Croes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now