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Gilmher's pov:

I remember the day she told me she was leaving. My heart ripped in two as the words left her lips. I remember the make-up running down her face as she walked away leaving me alone.

All alone.

At one point I eventually left, my walk home was cold and lonely. Memories rushed back as my limp legs dragged me home.

I remembered our first date, our first kiss.

Our first 'I love you', our first fight.

But now she's just a faded memory. A memory I can't handle remembering. My eyes would cloud whenever I hear her name.

It hurts to know that she moved on, and is happy. But I guess if you love something you must let it go. But I can't do it anymore.

If I woke up one day with her right beside me, like all of this was just some twisted dream. I'd hold her closer than I ever did before, and she'd never slip away.

But, I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forgot about the stupid little things, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to her and the memories I never can escape.

She's under my skin.

I wish the memories had gone the day she left.

But they're still there.

And they still fuck with my head.

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