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One with Jay :)


Y/n's pov:

"Sup!" I said picking up my phone.

"Hi Y/n"

It was Jayden, my best friend since kindergarten.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Umh...can I come over?"

"J? What's wrong?"

"I wanna tell u, so can I?" He asked

"Yeah sure"

"Ok bye"

I hung up.

I hope nothing bad is going wrong. I thought.

See me and Jayden we're best friends from when we were little.

But the last few weeks I began to have feelings for him. Idk what's happening with me, but every time he's near me my heart beats a little but faster. My mind goes crazy when he smiles and- I think I'm in love with him.

A knock on my door cut me off from my thoughts.

"Come in" I said

A sad Jayden stepped inside my room.

"Yo what's wrong?" I said giving a sign he has to sit next to me on my bed.

My heart breaks seeing him like this.

He sat next to me and looked down.

I lifted up his chin and smiled at him.

He gave me a smile.

"Y/n" he asked?

"What happened?" I asked worried

"I-I think I have feelings for a- a girl" his voice cracked.


"There's this girl...I already know her for a while. We're still really good friends now" he smiled

I weakly smiled back.

I-is it me? I thought

No of course not

"Every time I'm with her I smile like an idiot" he blushed

"A-and her beautiful y/e/c eyes , I could look into her eyes for HOURS. And her hair! Her beautiful y/h/c hair! " He blushed looking at me

I smiled.

Omg omg omg... I have y/e/c eyes and y/h/c hair... we're already friends for a long time and we still are...

Now I'm the one who was smiling like an idiot.

"Aww Jayden I lov-"

"Her name is Celeste" He said cutting me off.

"W-what?" My voice cracked

"Celeste...I already know her for like 2 years. She has the most beautiful eyes,

a-and her smile woah. We're really good friends and the last weeks I began to have feelings for her and every time I'm with her the feels are getting bigger and bigger." he said like he was in heaven.


"I-I wanna ask her out but I don't know how, that's why I came here to ask you. Bcs you're my best friend" he smiled

"Well- I-If you really love her...the-then go ask her, but be yourself" I weakly smiled

"You're right! Thanks Y/n. I don't know what I would do without you" he stood up with a huge smiled and leave.

"I neither wouldn't know...what I would do...without you" I whispered, but he doesn't hear me because he already left.


Me: Congrats, have fun

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