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Y/n's pov:

Our love was fake.

All this is a game. To others eyes we were madly in love. To us we were just friends. We would hang out.

No. We were best friends. This was all for a girl he wants. I was jealous of her. She would get mad that were together. Isn't that the point he knows he had her?

I never confronted him. Gilmher never mentioned a thing. He kept doing this fake relationship.

His hands rested at my waist. I let him. His eyes stared into mine. I let him. We flirted for hours. I let him. We touched. I let him. We kissed. I let him. I fell in love.

Oh well, that was on me.

I fell so in love with him. I adored him. He didn't. I saw him today kissing that girl. The one he wants.

He went up to me and smiled.

"I got her.." he said in a happy tone. I gave a fake smile.

"Yeah.. You got her" I said with as much enthusiasm I could give. I saw his brother come over and I walked off.

I turned the corner as I locked eyes with him. He stands with a sad expression making me confused. I shrugged it off and went with my day.

After school

I saw Gilmher's new girlfriend come up to me. She smirks looking me up and down.

"You thought you were gonna last didn't you? I told you. You're not pretty. He would never like you" She said laughing in the end. I nodded biting my lip. Gilmher came up as I walked away.

"Y/n what's wro-" Is all I hear as I started to jog a bit. Maybe she was right. She did get back with him. Gilmher liked her. Never liked me. This was all a game.

It was playing tricks with me. Tricky mind games. Fucking with my feelings and I never realised that.

I sighed sadly. Not sheding a tear. I mean that was just only a little comment. It hurt a bit, but I decided to push it away.

Gilmher Croes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now