Internet boyfriend

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Your plane landed on Aruba 10 minutes ago where you would be meeting your internet boyfriend, Gilmher Croes. When he first told you he was Gilmher, you didn't believe him until he sent you photos and videos of himself saying your name and whatever you wanted him to say. You face timed nights on end and were talking 24/7.

Gil- Are you almost here?

Y/n- Yep. Just landed. See you soon x

Gil- Can't wait to finally hold you 😊

You smiled down at your phone before sliding it into your pocket. You looked at yourself in the mirror and breathed heavily. You wore a white adidas shirt with black jeans and white adidas shoes. You had your large black suitcase with you and another small duffel bag over your shoulder.

"Well, this is it." you whispered, fixing your hair before finally exiting the bathroom. You went on a search for Gilmher but ended up near the exit all alone. Frustrated, you texted him.

Y/n- Where are you?

Gil- Turn around

Your eyes widened and you slowly turned around, only to be met with nothing. You groan when you realised he tricked you.

"Okay, okay. Actually turn around now." you heard a deep voice call out from behind you. Your breath hitched and your eyes widened. Your heart began to beat faster as you slowly turned around to face your internet boyfriend.

"Oh my god." you whispered when you saw him in person for the first time. He was absolutely gorgeous. 

You knew he was but compared to his photos, he was even better.

"Hi." he said nervously as smiled down at you. You blushed when you saw his eyes trail up and down your face and body.

"Hi." you replied quietly and let out a quick gasp when Gilmher wrapped his arms around your body. You immediately dropped your bag and let go of your suitcase to wrap your arms around his neck. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder.

"5 months of messaging, subtweeting and facetiming and now I can finally do this." he mumbled before placing his lips over yours. You were shocked but responded instantly, running your fingers through his hair. He gripped your waist tightly and you both kissed like your lives depended on it. When you pulled away, you were out of breath. "Should we go?"

You nodded and threw your duffel bag over your shoulder and held your suitcase. You were about to start walking when Gilmher stopped you. He took both of your bags off you and held your hand as he walked. You bit your lip to hide your smile and held his hand a little tighter.

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