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Gilmher's pov:

"Fuck! I'm so nervous!" I say to Jayden. He smacks me upside the head.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" I say as Jayden growls at me.

"Every time you say that you always back out of stuff. Oh not this time" Jayden says as I finish writing the last letter.

"Okay...This goes in her locker tomorrow...With that red rose" I say really nervous. Jayden smiles and nods.

"Good luck bro. Just hope she won't friend zone you...You guys are best friends..."

Y/n's pov:


"Y/n! He will ask you! I'm certain he likes you!" Lucy says while you go to your locker. I sigh as I put in my code for my lock.

"Gilmher will never ask me! I know that..." I say as I open my locker. I look inside as a rose falls out.

"What's this?!" Lucy says as she takes the rose and smells it. I look around to see no one. What?

I take a look inside as I opened the envelope.

I know you enjoy roses just as much I enjoy you.

Don't go. Oh no please don't. I might seem like a creep I know.

But trust me you know who I am.

Although I know you don't like a fun riddle game, but would you accept mines??

Here's a riddle you could follow for I know you'll want to find.

For where do you go if you're feeling sad? Or... Feeling sweet?

I immediately smile as Lucy looks at me weird. She says bye and leaves me at the lockers.

I grab my bag and hurry to the ice cream shop. That's the place. At least that's what I'm thinking cause that's the place I go to. I have the rose in my hand as well as the letter.

I look at the store and it's empty. I walk up to the little building and see a guy behind the counter. He looks up a smiles.

"You must be Y/n?" He says. I now slowly as he starts to pull something out his back pocket.

"This is for you" He says sweetly. I smile at the letter. I know I was on the right track. I open the letter eager to see what he's set for me.

Oh! Seems like you found the second letter beautiful!

I have 2 more riddles, but are you up to the task?

Where do you go if you wanna go on a hike. Which trail do you go on? The smooth and steady or the rocky and hard trail?

I immediately know what this person is talking about. I go on the rocky and hard trails. I've always liked a challenge. So this didn't phase me.

I run wanting to know what this person wants and who he or she is.

I hurry up the trail. Nobody takes this trail. More because it wasn't part of a trail. I found it actually. I wonder how this person even knows. Although I did tell people about it and we come up here to just hang. I'm pretty sure it got around though.

I get stopped by a letter on the dirt. I rip it open making me smile wide.

Oh I think you know where this leads to.

Yet people know about this particular place. You know the secret place don't you?

I hold the letter along with the others in my hand as I run and arrive at the place we're we hang out.

I know this secret part of this trail. I haven't told a living soul. Maybe someone saw me go back here. I walk a bit further to this sort of cliff of rocks or dirt. This is where I come to get away from reality for a bit.

I look to see a black rangeover.

"You found it" I hear a voice say. I look ahead and see Gilmher looking handsome like always. I let a smile fall on my face.

"Guess I did" I say as the smile on his face grows. He's so sweet.

"So why am I here exactly?" I asked confused. Gilmher pulled out a rose from his back pocket.

"Will you be my date to Prom? M-Maybe even my Girlfriend?" He studders. Him being nervous and scared. He doesn't make eye contact.

"It's okay i-if you say n-no" Gilmher says sadly.

"You're so cute Gil" I say as I run into his arms.

"Yes?" Gilmher says scared of my response. I think for 10 seconds as I see him frown slightly.

"Yes you" I say giggling as he smiles.

"For a second I was going to go and cry" He says as the rest of the night we watch the city.

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