Forbidden romance/ Part 3

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"Kiss that guy you just mentioned. You're single now, you can do whatever you want."

"Yeah but what if he's not single? His girlfriend would most likely socially ruin me!"

"I watched him check you out. It wasn't a 'she's cute, who cares if I cheat' look. It was a 'thank god I'm single because I could make her mine' look."

You stared at her blankly.

"And I'm supposed to believe that?" you said, unconvinced

"Just go over there. You can tell if he's single by the way he acts. Guilty, careful movements signals that he's taken. Flirty, risky movements signals that he's single." You yawned.

"He could have a girlfriend but he hates her so much that he wants to split. She wants to stay together so his only way out is to cheat. Since he doesn't love her anymore, he acts like he's single. And that bitch knows what he's up to so she's watching from afar, ready to humiliate whoever's stealing her man." You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrow. Holly shrugged.

"I was just trying to sound intelligent, okay?"

You laughed and handed her your soda.

"Just for you, I'll go over there."

Gilmher was standing in a circle with his friends so you made your way over there slowly. He noticed you approaching the group so he handed his friend his drink. One of Gilmher's friends turned around and you almost fainted.

It was Dean.

"Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asked

"What, I can't party? I'm single now," you said, surprised by your confidence

Gilmher smirked hearing that you were single and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Just because you're single doesn't mean you can follow me around," he snapped

"I'm not following you. I was coming over here to see someone else," you said

You traced a line with your finger down Gilmher's arm.

"Gilmher? Why Gilmher?" Dean asked

"Well, I bumped into him earlier. He told me to come find him later but I figured I'd come see him now," you said flirtatiously

"Why do you need to see him?" Dean demanded

"To do this." You placed your fingers on Gilmher's jaw and turned his head to face you. You pressed your lips on his and he almost immediately kissed you back.

He grabbed your waist, his cold fingers making contact with your bare skin, sending an array of goosebumps up your back. You pulled away slowly and Gilmher bit his lip.

You looked over at Dean to see his eyes filled with pure rage.

He looked like he was ready to hurt someone and you figured Gilmher noticed too because he released your waist and made up an excuse that he needed to go because it was getting late, though it was only 11:00.

You returned to Holly and she handed you back your drink.

"Holy shit, that was the greatest kiss of my life. But we should probably get out of here. Dean's gonna kill someone," you said quickly

"Wait, Dean?"


You went back out to your car and told Holly everything.

"You kissed Gilmher right in front of him?" Holly asked, indulged in your story. 

You nodded and a smile formed on your face.

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