Forbidden romance/ Part 2

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"I can't do it," you confessed suddenly

"What? Why?" Holly asked. "You worked so hard on your look!"

"Dean's gonna be here."

"Just because your ex is going to be at a party doesn't mean you can't arrive and slay the night. Now c'mon."

You got out of the car reluctantly and strolled up the house, your stomach doing somersaults. You opened the front door slowly and stepped inside, revealing your outfit.

Now that you were single, every guy in your sight line was checking you out.

You rolled your eyes at all the desperate teenage boys and went into the kitchen for a soda.

Someone took a sharp turn from around the corner and you bumped into each other.

"Woah sorry," you said

"Sorry I didn't-" the guy started

He looked you up and down and smirked.

He was cute so you smiled back, letting him know that you saw what he did.

"Yo Gilmher! Come here!" someone behind you called

"Gotta go. Come find me later," he said with a wink

He squeezed past you and approached the friend that called him over, so you went to the fridge and grabbed your soda.

You walked back over to where Holly was standing, having to sneak through groups of friends to get there, and popped open the drink.

"Oh my gosh, I just bumped into the hottest guy ever," you gushed

"Glad you came?" she asked

"I still feel eh."

You sipped your soda and looked around. No music, no dancing, it was pretty dull.

"Kiss him," she said suddenly

Gilmher Croes ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz