Forbidden romance / Part 1

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On a Saturday night, you would think that you would be hanging out with friends or binge watching your favorite series on Netflix, but in reality, your whole life was collapsing.

The day before, your mom announced that her and her new boyfriend, Jamie, were getting married which was a little hard for you.

And a few days before that, your boyfriend broke your heart. That involved too much trust, too much alcohol, and a video from an anonymous source.

You complained to your friend, Holly, telling her over and over again how much you hated guys and that you would never date again. She knew you were better than this so she came over to knock some sense into you. But, Holly being Holly, you ended up at a party.

"Y/n, you can't live in your bedroom," Holly said

You groaned and threw yourself onto your bed, flat on your back.

"Where else am I supposed to go?" you asked

"Out. Into the world. I don't know, Y/n, anywhere else but here. I know you're not gonna listen to me at first, but Dorian is throwing a party. You should go!" she encouraged

You shrugged and pushed the loose strands of hair out of your face.

"I don't feel like partying," you complained with a yawn

"Not looking like that, you aren't."

You looked down at yourself, a little offended, and looked back up to see that Holly had disappeared. You heard the clanking of clothing hangers coming from your closet and Holly emerged with an outfit.

"How the hell did you pick out an outfit so fast?" you asked, stunned at her superpower


She threw the outfit onto your bed and motioned towards it, to which you sighed and picked it up, bringing it with you into the bathroom.

You slipped on the clothes she picked out and looked in the mirror to see that you were wearing a black crop top and short white jeans with some fringe at the end.

"Holly! This is way too revealing for a party like this!" you shouted

Holly walked into the bathroom and stood next to you, examining her creation.

"You wanna make your ex jealous?" she asked simply, crossing her arms. "Wear that."

You looked at her and raised your eyebrow. Now this intrigued you. You honestly wanted nothing more than for your ex to realize he shouldn't have dumped you.

You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time and nodded confidently. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

You shooed Holly out and got to work. You wanted your final look to be a surprise.

You flat-ironed your hair, grabbed an elastic off the counter and did a half up half down hair-do, and did a surprisingly impressive makeup job, granted you didn't do your makeup very often.

Once you finished, you double-checked that you looked flawless and exited the bathroom to show Holly, who smiled proudly.

"They grow up so fast," she said mockingly, wiping away an imaginary tear

You laughed sarcastically and went out into the living room to grab your car keys. You snatched them off the table and made your way out the door, having no clue what you were getting yourself into.


You pulled up to the party and stopped the car, taking a huge, deep breath. Now that you were actually here, you weren't sure if you could go any farther than the car.

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