Too Late

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One with Jay :)


Dear Y/n, how do I say this? I'm writing this to you and I'm still too nervous to use words. I just want to say, I'm really really sorry. You dating another guy now, and he just so happens to be Gilmher. I guess what I want to say is, I hate you. I hate you Y/n, and the reason why is because you are so beautiful and your not mine. I hate you because I love you and it could never happen. I hate myself because I let the one thing that I loved the most go. I hate Gilmher cause he got you and I didn't. I hate you because I know that you didn't choose me. And I hate myself because I can't do anything about it. I've loved you from the start and I was too stupid to step up and treat you like you deserved. I've always wanted to, but never could, cause I was being so stupid! I'm sorry Y/n. I just hope that you won't forget me, the guy who's going to be the best man at your wedding tomorrow.

Love, Jayden.

I cried as I read the note that I had found beside the teddy bear Jayden gave me. He left this note and as I think about everything, I really want Jayden, but it's too late!

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