Self Conscious

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I was looking through twitter and saw Gilmher tweeted a picture of us together. I click it and look at the comments. Few say "cute" the others mostly said "Gilmher can to better smh" "She needs to go to the gym" a "She's to fat" "She doesn't deserve Gilmher" "Gilmher is mine stay away!" I let out a sniffle and go to the bathroom. I get out a blade that I had back then. I brought it to my wrist and hesitated but cut my wrist. I cut four more times before someone picks me up and brings me out of the bathroom. I look up and see Gilmher with red watery eyes. He sets me on the bed and goes to the bathroom. He takes the blade and flushes it and grabs a wet towel. He comes to me and sits by my side and starts cleaning my cuts.

"W-why Y/n? Why? You're so beautiful, why?"

"Nobody likes me, everyone hates me being with you. I don't deserve you Gil..."

I look away.

"Baby, we deserve each other. You're so beautiful. You have to ignore those comments. They hate. Y/n I love you so much. I could never imagine losing you. Please, don't ever do this again."

He turns my face to his.

"I'm sorry Gilmher, I won't. I love you too"

He smiles, which makes me smile.

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