Old friend

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One with Jayden :)


Jayden and I walk into the store and we go to the hoodies.

"I still don't understand why you take mine. You have your own." He says and I shrug.


I hear a male voice behind me and I look back. I see and familiar face and I tilt my head.


I mumble.

"I haven't seen you since middle school!?"

He says and walks up to me. I give him a light hug and look at Jayden. He clenches his jaw and I look back at Noah.

"Noah, this is my boyfriend, Jayden. Jayden, this was my best friend in middle school, Noah."

"Hey" Noah says and holds out his hand.

"Hi." Jayden says lowly and shakes his hand.

"Be nice." I whisper to Jayden.

"So what happened after middle school?"

"I got a job, moved into an apartment. Nothing much. What about you?? Like, oh my gosh you look so different."

"Yeah I guess. I haven't been doing much."

He says and shrugs. I feel Jayden's arm go around my waist and I look at him. He looks at Noah and I look at him too.

"So how long have you too been dating?"

"Two years" I reply and smile.

"Are you two meant for each other"

Noah slightly smirks and crosses his arms.

"Yes, she's the one." He says and I smile lightly.

"Well I have to go, I hope I'll see you again" Noah says and sighs.

"Oh me too" I reply and give him a hug. He walks away and I turn to Jayden. I cross my arms and look up at him.



"We're you jealous"

I ask and slightly smirk.

"No I-"

"Then why'd you-"

"Yes! Ok! Yes! Oh my gosh! Yesssss!" He groans.

"Why? You shouldn't be, Noah is just a old friend-"

"Then why'd you hug him! And why did you tell him he looked good-"

"I didn't? Jayden, Noah is married now"


"Yeah he got married at the end of high school. You need to calm down."

"Oh well I uh-"

"Oh Jayden" I say and hug him.

"I love you"I whisper and he kisses my forehead.

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