Fotball Game/ Part 3

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Y/n's pov:

I was laying on my bed watching Netflix, thinking about how I was going to face Jay on Monday.

I heard a knock on the door and I ran down to get it.

"I got it!" I yelled to my dad that was upstairs.

I opened the door to see Jayden with soft eyes. Anger ragged through my whole body, I was so angry at him. I didn't want to see him. He needed to leave, but I got this over whelming urge to hit him.

I closed the door behind me and


I slapped him right across the face. He looked at me strangely and held his cheek. I still had anger in my face. He caught my hand, holding onto my wrist hard. We locked eyes and I instantly got intimidated. But that didn't scare me, I was more angry then scared. I went to slap him with my other hand and he caught that wrist too and pinned me up against my door. He looked over my whole body, I bit my lip in anticipation for his next move. He hand me up against the door, now what? He could totally take advantage of me. Jayden that told me he liked me wouldn't do that, but the Jayden that betrayed my trust and hurt my feelings, probably would.

My heart began to race, my fists relaxed and he was still looking into my eyes.

"You're so beautiful" he said loosening his grip. And before I could say anything he crashed his lips onto mine. I let it happen, letting him deepen the kiss and relax under him. His body was up against mine on the door and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I played with his hair and I could feel him smile into the kiss.

"Jayden" I moaned as he kissed my neck.

"Hmm" his voice was muffled on my neck.

"Did you come here to apologize?" I asked pulling me off of me.

"I came here to confirm something" he said pulling me close.

"My feelings are the same, I didn't lie. I really like you. A lot actually, Y/n I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. But I need to know, do you like me too? If not, we don't ever have to talk again. But if you do, then please end my suffering and tell me" he said letting go of me completely.

"Well then" I started, taking his hands and putting them up to my mouth.

"Your fingers are cold" I said kissing them. He watched me intently. His mouth was slightly open, I could see his breath. I was falling so hard for a bad boy. But maybe that wasn't so much a bad thing.

"Y/n" he said, putting his body up against mine again.

"Be my girlfriend?" He said, and that was it. I kissed him again and pulled him through the door and snuck him up to my room.

I laid on my bed and pulled Jay on top of me. I could feel every part of his body, even the part I wasn't so sure about yet...

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend" I said before kissing him again, putting my cold hands under his shirt and lightly scratching his back.

After our make out we both fell asleep on my bed. Jay had to sneak out this next morning, but every moment he was holding me in his strong arms was worth it.

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