Fotball Game/ Part 2

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That night

I was getting ready to go to Jayden's football game, not for him. Totally not for him. Nope, not at all.

Erin came over and we drove to the game. When we got there it was totally loud and bright from the lights.

We sat down and got comfortable. Unfortunately, we sat next to Jay's fan club who were all screaming and cheering for him already. I don't think they even know how football works. Jayden and his team were warming up and the game was almost starting. 

Skip the game

The game was almost over and we were winning, Jayden got the ball and started running for a touch down. All the girls were yelling for him and I just clapped as Jay made the winning touch down. He took off his helmet and all the guys picked him up. I smiled at how happy he looked.

Erin and I got up and started to walk out of the stadium, we wanted to beat the traffic. We walked out and started to the car, when I heard someone call my name from behind me.

"Y/n!" Jayden yelled running up to me in his football uniform. He looked sexy all sweaty and out of breath. I just stared at him blankly, trying to comprehend what was happening

"Let me drive you home?" He asked smiling sweetly.

I looked over at Erin who shrugged and pushed me to him.

I smiled at him and said something I know I would regret later.

"Look, Jayden. I'm so not into the 'hook up' stuff okay? Go find a different girl to go do that with" I said turning back towards Erin.

"Wait, can I talk to you? Alone?"

He said giving me soft eyes that I could took into forever.


"Please?" He said putting a hand on my arm. That was it.

"Yeah sure" I heard myself say.

"Great! Give me like 15!" He said.

Running off to the locker room.

Erin offered to stay but I said I was fine. She left and I was waiting for Jay outside the stadium.

"Hey" he said coming around the corner. I had my arms crossed because it was cold.

"Hi" I smiled at him.

"So, what was so imp-"

"I like you, a lot. I always have Y/n. You're so beautiful. You're not like other girls. You see so much more in life then just a reputation. I really want to get to know you. Please let me into your world, but if not, then I will leave you alone. And we can forget this ever happened" He said coming close to me.

I smiled at him. I was shivering in the cold, and so was he. He searched my face for an answer. I walked up to him and was about to say something. Until I heard all his football friend coming out of the locker room. They saw us together and started laughing at me.

"Dang Jay, you make the winning touchdown and now your hanging out with nerds? What's wrong with you Croes?" One said. He looked at me and backed away.

"Nah guys, it's not like that. She was just asking me for my number. You know, the usual." He said before walking away with his friends. I stood there shocked. I didn't know what to do. I was so embarrassed. How will I get home? I thought Jay would give me a ride. I just called my dad, he said he would be there in 20 minutes. I went and sat down next to a tree. I could still hear Jay and his friends laughing. What a jerk, I hated him. I never wanted to see him.

My dad came soon after that and once we got home, I ran up to my room and locked my door.

Jayden's pov:

When my friends came up, I couldn't let them know that I actually really liked Y/n. I would lose my reputation. But what would I rather lose. My reputation, or the girl of my dreams. I felt horrible for what I did! I had to make it right! I was gonna go to her house and try to make things right.

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