Love again

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Gilmher was scared. His fingers were shaking. He hated himself for what he did to Y/n. He knew he hurt her, but he never meant to. His fingers started to type his apology he was going to send to her. Once he was finished, he hesitated to press send. Thoughts of her ignoring him, still hating him, and never forgiving him ran through his mind.


He dropped his phone beside him an then sat up from laying down. His breathing became heavy from the thoughts that never stopped running.


He looked back at his phone. Relief ran though his body once he read the text from the girl that he still loved.

Y/n: Hey, there's no reason to apologize. I should be apologizing instead of you. I never treated you right.

Gilmher didn't hesitate to reply this time.

Gilmher: I can't believe you replied!

Gilmher: I didn't think you would bcs you probably moved on.

Y/n: No.

Y/n: I couldn't no matter how hard I tried to.

Gilmher: God, I missed you so much.

Y/n: I missed you too.

Y/n: I missed everything.

Tears of joy ran down Gilmher's soft cheeks.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He felt like it was too good to be true.

Gilmher Croes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now