Face Mask

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I walk into the bathroom and look at my face. My face is so dry. I sigh and grab a clay mask from a drawer. I apply it and wait a bit.


I hear Gilmher yell and I run downstairs.


I say and he cuts me off by screaming.

"What's up with your face?"

He says and looks me up and down.

"Wow thanks. I have a face mask on."

I glare at him and he puts his hands up.

"Can I try one!"

He asks excited.

"Your face is gorgeous but yeah sure"

I say and run upstairs. He follows and we walk into the bathroom. He sits on the counter and I grab a face mask. I start applying it to his face and he flinched

"Oh shi-it's cold. What's this for?"

He asks.

"For your dry skin, that you don't have"

I say and sigh. I push his hair up and apply it to his forehead.


I mumble to myself and grab a hair tie from my drawer. I tie up the hair that was in his face and laugh at how he looks.

"There, you're so beautiful"

I say and wash my hands. He turns around and looks at himself in the mirror.

"I look like shit"

He says and I laugh lightly.

"You look gorgeous"

I laugh and he smiles.

"My face is always so dry"

I mumble and grab two towels.

"How long do we keep this on.."

Gilmher groans and I wet the towel.

"A couple more minutes"

I say and look down at my phone

"Well you can wash it off now"

I say and hand him the towel. He wipes it off and looks at himself in the mirror.

"I'm still ugly, these things are broken"

He says and looks back at me.

"You're beautiful babe"

I say and caress his now smooth cheek. I wipe off mine and look at myself.

"My skin is so gross"

I mumble and throw my towel in the hamper.

"Stop, you're beautiful."

Gilmher says and throws his towel in the hamper. He stands up and walks to me. He lifts up my chin and our eyes lock.

"You're beautiful Y/n"

He whispers and kisses me softly

"Thank you Gilmher...I love you"

I say and kiss him with a smile on my face.

Gilmher Croes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now