Slipped my mind/ Part 2

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Gilmher's pov:

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on my phone. It was currently 12:46 a.m. 

I had no idea I was at Gio's house for so long. It was definitely time to go home.

"Guys I'm gonna head home" I yawned giving the guys a wave.

"Bye bro, by the way tell Y/n I said happy birthday" Gio said not taking his eyes away from the screen. 

"Bro, her birthday is next week" I laughed.

"No it's today, well actually technically yesterday" he pointed to his calendar.

I squinted my eyes before they grew in realization. It was yesterday. Oh no.

I cursed under my breath, grabbing my keys and running out of his house. Y/n wanted to have a movie day on her birthday. I should've been with her at 6 p.m, it was almost 1 a.m. Screw that I should've been with her all day. I continued to mumbled frustrated profanities as I pulled up to the apartment. I had never ran so fast as I ran up those stairs. I opened the door and my heart broke at the scene that lay before me. A box of pizza, my favorite pizza; snacks; a fort; and an ice cream birthday cake that had melted was set on the ground. 

There were 18 burnt candles floating in the ice cream puddle. I face palmed myself as the guilt began to eat me alive, I really messed up. I could literally just see her sitting by herself, singing happy birthday to herself, spending her birthday by herself when I should've been here. I slowly approached our bedroom knowing she was probably asleep by now.

I opened the door softly and whispered her name. The soft light from the hallway hit her face illuminating her so I was able to see her face. Her eyes were puffy and red indicating that she had cried. I didn't even realize that I started crying, but knowing it was my fault these tears were on her face. It broke me.

I sniffles moving closer, moving her hair out of her face. I kissed her forehead whispering an apology.

"I'll make it up to you I promise."I went out and prepared to make this apartment beautiful when she wakes up.


Y/n's pov:

You woke again to an empty bed. Releasing a sigh you pushed yourself off the bed. Did Gilmher even come home? You were now propped up in a sitting position when you saw red rose petals on the floor.

"What the?" You mumbled getting up and following the trail. You opened the bed room door to see that the trail of rose petals went down the hallway. Heart shaped papers were strung from the ceiling. 19 of them. You pulled the first paper down. 'Why I love you'

The next 18 hearts had the words 'reason 1' up to 'reason 18 written on them.'

You collected them all, not reading them yet because you wanted to find Gilmher. You now entered the living room to see dozens of colorful balloons and pancakes with 18 candles decorated on top. You couldn't help the smile on your face and that's when Gilmher came up from behind you with a bouquet of roses. 18 roses to be exact.

"Gilmher" you whispered hugging him tightly.

"My love" he hugged you even tighter.

He handed you the roses making you smile.

"You did all this for me?" You asked surprised and still in awe. He simply nodded in response and pulled a chair back for you.

"My love, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. It slipped my mind, causing me to think it was next week and I know that that is no excuse but I'm so sorry. I should've been here on your birthday. I'm the worst boyfriend but please forgive me. I promise, it will never happen again. When I saw that I made you cry, I wanted to punch myself repeatedly. No one deserves what I did to you. I love you so much and I promise to do better."

He pulled a baby blue box from his pocket and continued. 

"And to confirm my promise," he opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring. 

"It's a promise ring. To promise I will always love you and be there for you. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you" he slipped the ring onto your finger. 

You got up leaping into his arms as he kissed you passionately.

"I love you so much" you whispered.

"I love you more," he put you down. 

"Now let's eat some pancakes."

Gilmher Croes ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang