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One with Jay :)


Jayden recently got a vhs camera and fell in love with it. He brings it with him on adventures, car rides, walks, and especially brings it if he's going to be around you.

He catches you off guard all the time and thought that it would be cute to film you. Your blush and smile always warms his heart. Sometimes you would be sleeping and he'd film you. He'd tell you everyday how beautiful you are and how much he loved you.

But you left him.

Your death indefinitely impacted him. Waking up was a pain for him, just an empty space beside him in a big bed. Eating was a pain, not being able to laugh and be immature with food like you both used to. Going through the day was a pain, not being able to see your smile or record you on his vhs camera. Sleeping was a pain, not being able to hear you complain about being cold so he could wrap your arms around you.

Being alive was a pain for him.

He sat down on the couch, staring into space. Something fell on the floor with a small bang, making him jump. Jayden looked at it, seeing a vhs tape laying on the floor. He saw the label and felt more pain then ever.


Picking it up and sliding it through the vhs player, he sighed. He sat down on the couch and pressed play.

"Yeah, then I ju-" you stopped speaking and looked up at Jayden to see him recording you. "I look gross right now." you continued stirring your coffee.

"No, you're cute." he stated.

Jayden heard his laugh through the tape as it went black and showed Y/n again. Jayden was recording her doing her makeup through the cracked bathroom door.

Y/n was applying lipstick when she looked at Jayden's reflection through the mirror.

"Hey." Jayden smiled and zoomed in on her face.

"Hi." she blushed and smiled back.

She looked at the camera for a second.

It went black again before showing another thing Jayden recorded on the tape. It showed several memories Jayden recorded over the years they were together. The screen went black once more and he thought the tape was over. The screen came on again and it showed Y/n peacefully sleeping.

Jayden smiled at his lover, taking in her beauty as she slept. His hand brushed over the hair that was in the way of him seeing her full face.

"Good morning." he whispered.

Y/n's eyes slowing opened and she smiled to see Jayden. "Good morning." she sniffed.

There was silence while they just stared at each other. She looked into the camera before looking back at Jayden.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The screen went black and stayed black as Jayden sobbed on the couch. He missed her so much. The pain felt unbearable, but he knew he'd get over it and celebrate Y/n instead of mourn her. He also knew that he'd never get over her.

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