My baby

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Gilmher's pov:

I dropped my phone on the floor. I couldn't move, I was shocked.

My baby.. my beautiful baby. I got out to my car and drove to the hospital. The rain was pouring hard down.

As I stopped at the traffic light, I saw two cars crashed into each other, in the middle of the road. There were bruises and bumps on the cars. The accident happened here. I couldn't help but cry even more. Tears were streaming down on my red cheeks.

I drove as fast as I could. I felt my hands shaking on the steering wheel. There was sweat all over my body.

I parked my car, took the ignition out and ran as fast as I could to the entrance. I pushed the doors and ran to the reception.

"Excuse me, where is Y/n? Where is she? Someone please tell me?"

I shouted. I didn't even care how people looked at me.

"Sir please calm down!" The nurse said behind the desk where she was sitting.

I just need to see her, my precious baby don't deserve this.

"Please just tell me, my girlfriend was in a accident. Please, I just need to see if she is okay."

The nurse told me the number of the room, where Y/n was in.

"Thank you" I said and ran up to the stairs.

I found the room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I took on the door handle and opened the door. It felt like my heart stopped beating for a second.

"Oh god" I whispered, putting my right hand on my mouth.

There she is. Her lifeless little body on the bed. I walked over to her and sat beside her. I took her hand in mine. It was cold.

"Baby? Talk to me please. I can't live without you. You're my everything"

Not a reflection.

"Remember that time, where we talked about our future?" I stopped, I couldn't talk. It was too hard. My heart hurts because of seeing her in that condition.

She doesn't deserve this.

I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Well you said that you couldn't wait, to start a family with me.

If you woke up we could make ou-ur dream tru-ue" My voice cracked. I cried even harder.

I looked at her, I wish she woke up. After a while of just silence, the sound I don't like, became louder and louder.

"Y/n? No, wake up baby!" I gripped her hand tightly. Suddenly there were doctors everywhere. I didn't even notice when they came in.

"Sir you need to get out now!"

I nodded my head and walked immediately out of the room.

I sat on a chair and gazed at the floor.

I just want to hold her in my arms again. I was thinking, when I came across of one of the best moments I had with her.


"Gilmher stop! I'm gonna pee in my pants, if you don't stop" She said out of breath.

"Well thats too bad for you honey" I said and gave her a peck on her nose.

"I'm gonna get you one day Gilmher, I swear"

"Umm yeah keep dreaming honey. That will never happen" I said with a sassy voice.

"Mark my words Gilmher!" She yelled.

"Um no" I tickled her everywhere and she was dying of laughter.

Gosh her smile and her laugh makes me so happy.


I smiled thinking of that day. It was just us two, doing nothing but enjoying each others company.

My thoughts was interrupted by the doctor.

"How is she doctor?" I asked concerned.

The doctor was quite, he gave a me sympathy look. My smile faded away and my eyes went wide. I kept saying no in small whispers. She can't be gone.

"I'm sorry, but your baby and your girlfriend didn't make it" I was confused, my baby?

"My baby? She was pregnant?" I asked in confusion. He nodded his head.

"My condolences for your loss sir" He said.

I wanted to scream. I slipped down on the wall. I broke down. I felt my heart broke into pieces.

Why didn't she say anything to me? Gosh Y/n why? Why didn't you tell me?

Gilmher Croes ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz