The Donovan Special (Part 2/2)

Start from the beginning

It made him nervous just as much as me, but he wasn't the one that was most likely going to bottom for two dudes.

That reminded me about something funny that happened a week ago. Donovan was texting us and he mentioned that he has never bottomed before and he didn't mind doing it if we wanted to fuck him. While laughing, I had to make Derek promise that he wasn't going to tell him about his package. I wanted to see the reaction. There was no way in hell Donovan would bottom for Derek once he saw. He was not prepared. I still wasn't.

We had no plans. I just knew that it was happening today. I woke up bright and early to prepare for the rest of the day. I had a little spa moment in the bathroom, took care of my body, and skipped breakfast and lunch. I was so hungry, but I was going to have to wait until after it happened.

Derek was gone for most of the morning, but later arrived before Donovan. We spent an hour laying in bed, watching TV. The only plan we had was to go to a pool party. I got invited by a fellow member of the LGBT cult. I spent a lot of time in this hotel since I had left my dorm. It had a lot of fun things to do. I even started going to the gym.

One day while I was in the lobby waiting for a friend, some guy came up to me and asked me if I was gay. After we talked for a little bit, he invited me to his birthday party, which was happening soon. He was a shy gay, hoping to get out of his comfort zone by having this pool party and meeting new people.

"Has he texted you yet?" Derek asked.

"Babe, chill," I told him, tapping his knee.

Derek had asked the same question ten times in the past hour. Donovan was driving, there was no time to text. At this rate we might be late to the pool party, so it was best not to bother him and let him get here in one piece.

"I'm gonna shower and get ready then," he said.

I was sad when Derek got up. I was way too comfortable squeezed between the many pillows and his arm wrapped around me. It was nice just laying there with him, my head resting on his chest, being in the moment with nothing but my thoughts and the quiet conversations of a television in the background.

"Your shorts are in the bathroom," I told him as he searched for a towel.

"My swimming trunks?" he asked.


"Who said I'm swimming?"

"I did, bitch."


Derek went into the bathroom with his towel, looked at the shorts on the counter, then looked back at me. I should have closed the bathroom wall when I used it last.

"What?" I said.

"They are too short."

"They're not. They're medium. The ones I wear are too short. The ones I got you are stylish and cute, not those stupid same ones that every boy wears to the beach."

"If you can see my knees in them, they're too short."

"You have sexy knees."

He took the shorts and held them out in front of him. They were nice beach shorts and he better be fucking grateful that I didn't pick them in pink. They had three stripes and were dark blue, white, and beige. Pink were the shorts I picked for myself. And yes, they were hella short and gay.

"I'll try them, but no promises."

I watched him get undressed like a creepy stalker, smiling and everything, and watched him even harder when he got into the shower with the clear glass. He was so unbelievably hot. I should honestly be charging Donovan for getting a piece of that. But honestly, who knows? Maybe he might not even go for Derek, and that was one thing I was scared of. Donovan was serious when he picked me as the cuter one. What if he didn't give Derek attention? What if the big monster scared him away from doing anything with him? Things would get awkward so fast.

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